Bad Buddy- Stop copying me

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Since he had memory, Wai had this tic that he considered very annoying even if his parents and friends found it cute.

He loved cats but hated the looks he received when he started purring like one because other people weren't as accepting of his tic even if tics were the reason some people found their soulmates.

Of course, Wai was pretty lucky to have this tic not like Safe whose tic involved hitting himself in the head but sadly people's tics would only disappear or calm down(it really depends on the type of tics) when you meet your soulmate.

But in their friend group only Pran had already met his soulmate and that was because they were neighbors.

He was a lucky bastard and Wai and their other friends told him that constantly to Pran's annoyance and their amusement.

But because Pran and his soulmate have gotten together, now Wai is forced to hang out with Pat's friends and he hates it.

Because it was one of those stupid engineering boys who made fun of his tic which always triggers Wai's violent reaction but now he had to just deal with that.

"Wai, let's go grab some drinks" Pran says and Wai looks surprised until he nods because he and his friends had this habit to tell the other to come grab something if they saw that one of their tics was about to act

"Sure" Wai says getting up to follow Pran but they are stopped

"I will go with Wai, you stay here with Pat" Korn says "I don't want to deal with him whining that his boyfriend left for a few seconds" he adds

"Hey!" Pat says but was completely ignored by the three of them

"No, I will go with Wai" Pran says knowing that Wai wasn't comfortable having his tic in front of people he wasn't close to

"It's no problem so just sit here with your clingy boyfriend" Korn says and before either Pran or Wai can say anything, Wai found himself being dragged to the closest working vending machine by Korn

Wai glared at Korn but didn't say anything knowing it wasn't worth it, at the vending machine Wai picked money and put it in the machine before selecting the drinks everyone usually drank.

It was as he was about to take the drinks out that his tic acted out and he started purring.

Normally Wai would try to ignore whoever was with him but this time he was unable to do it.

"Stop copying me" Wai says getting up and glaring at the engineering student who dared to copy him to annoy

"I-I wasn't copying you..." Korn says looking surprised and Wai froze at that

The only way for people to have the same tics that happen at the same time was for them to be soulmates.

Wai didn't want his soulmate to be someone he always hated, he didn't like this discovery but he didn't say anything.

"Take them" Wai says shoving the drinks into Korn's arms before making his way back to his best friend

Once they were back at the table, Wai glued himself to Pran like cats sometimes do and didn't let go of him for the rest of the day despite Pat's whining.

It would take some time for Wai to accept that Korn was his soulmate and to let him inside his life but for now he would seek comfort in his friends until that time came.

Soulmate PromptsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora