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- Necklace.

- He would wear like those gold chains or maybe a necklace his mother have gave him as a gift.


- Rings.

- He's very obsessed with Rings and you would see his hands full in them, and if your special enough to him he might give you some of his Rings.


- Bracelet.

- He doesn't really wear accessories much but when you gave him a bracelet once, he never wore them off and always wearing them everyday.


- Rings.

- He gets his liking with Rings from his brother Tom. He only wears like 2-3 rings on each hand and loves playing with it.


- Bracelets.

- Likes wearing bracelets on both of his hands, really think it's adorable when you made one for him and would wear it for the rest of his life.


- Necklace.

- He likes wearing the necklace you gifted to him, it was a gift you give back in first year as christmas present to him.


- Bracelet or Ring.

- He thinks wearing any of those are a waste of time but he knows that some girls actually everyone like it when he's wearing a Ring, so he did but it's mostly for you. 😏

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