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- Makes sure everything is pack on your trip to the carnival.

- Becomes a babysitter to everyone.

- Doesn't hold anyones stuff except yours.

- Just standing by the side while everyone else ride the rides.

- Is always making sure no one gets lost.


‐ Is afraid of rollercoasters.

- Gets drag by Theo and Mattheo to ride the ferris wheel.

- Laughs at a kid who tripped and cried.

- Tries to win a prize to give to you.

- Takes picture of anything he finds "aesthetic" as what muggles say.


- Immediately went to buy one of those cotton candies with design on it.

- Plays every game he finds.

- Very talkative and almost made more than 10 new friends.

- Drags you to one of the rides.

- Enjoys watching the view from the ferris wheel.


- Buys every food he sees and gives them a review like the other care (they so don't lmao).

- Teases Draco that there gonna fall once him and Theo manage to force him to ride the ferris wheel.

- Is surprisingly good at darts and gets to hit the middle every throw.

- Keeps bumping your shoulder whenever you walk beside him.

- Death stares anyone making them run off, he just laughs after that.


- Is really smiley the whole day and basically the most excited one to ride the rides.

- Spoils you with the prizes he won at every game you see.

- Making fun of how statue like Tom is standing.

- In love riding the carousel ride with other kids.

‐ Tackles Theo for no reason making them almost fall on someones baby. (Sorry I for some reason imagined this happening and it's so hilarious 😭)


- Silently laughs at Dracos face when Mattheo scares him that there gonna fall from the ferris wheel.

- Walks really fast to reserve their line from every ride.

- Smokes after behind the ride with you, though it's only him who's smoking.

- Finds it funny how they almost crashed a baby, courtesy of Regulus.

- Dance break onces in a while.


- Forced to come.

- Just stands there with Blaise as everyone goes around playing and riding rides.

- Silently judging every muggle he came across with.

- Got bored so he decided to explore the place perhaps he can find something at least a little interesting.

- Complains to you about how some muggles gives bumping into him and saying how disrespectful they we're being. (Why can I picture this plss)

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