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- Documentary.

- It fascinates him how much you knew about each documentary movies he plays and finds it interesting how some are based on real life events.


- Action.

- He enjoys the intense feeling he feels especially on a chasing scene, gets easily mad when the character he likes gets caught or loses. (Okay but that's so me)


- Fantasy.

- He loves fantasy movies, he likes how muggles can be creative inventing creatures and all and making it into a masterpiece to watch.


- Adventure.

- He's very adventurous so it's quite nostalgic to him watching this kind of movies and enjoys it.

- Romance.

- Also enjoys this type as it reminds him of how you both met, it didn't romantically started but atleast he still manage to capture your heart.


- Comedy.

- Oh how he loves comedy, he loves seeing and hearing you laugh so not only you who get to enjoy and have fun but also him, because of the movie but mostly with your laugh.


- Musicals.

- He will act it out and lip sync as you both watch a musical, making you laugh at how silly he looks but you can't deny how good he can act and sing.


- War.

- The only type he tolerates because it's quite useful to him, he also take notes of anything interesting he hears and who knows maybe this can help him into taking over the world.

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