Just Friends

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3rd December, London

It was Gemmas birthday. We were all meeting for a dinner in Knightsbridge this evening. Nothing too fancy. She was keeping it low key this year, just her close friends. Now it was December in London, it was cold, so I had picked out just jeans, a nice emerald coloured sweater and heeled boots. Considering it was low key, I figured I could get away with wearing this and my fancy wool coat.

Harry had, unfortunately for him, FaceTimed me as I was getting ready and had to deal with my fretting over if the outfit was okay or not. We had been talking everyday over the past month. I figured he needed the support post Hayley and just needed someone to talk to at the end of the day. I knew he had a lot of friends out in the states to surround him so I wasn't too worried about him. Harry wasn't one that did too well on his own for too long. The press had gotten wind of the breakup too and the internet was swarming with theories. Everything from they were never really in a relationship to begin with to Harry had come out as gay.

He had been talking about his plans for Christmas. He was coming home straight from the South American leg of the tour and had wanted to make sure I was gonna be there too. I mean, where else was I gonna be? In London alone or go be with my chosen family in Holmes Chapel. It wasn't a hard choice really was it? We spoke a little about presents we had each gotten for our friends and family. Not a deep talk, just a casual chat between friends. He sounded more positive, more himself than he had been the past few weeks. I guess that's normal post breakup. I don't think I'm personally fully back to myself yet but I'm getting there.

I had eventually had my third, and fourth date with Ben. Our fourth date had been the previous day so I did fill Harry in on that. He had had a rare mid-week day off work so we took full advantage. We had gone to the Christmas markets, sampled all of the food and drink and stopped at the ice skating rink. It was lovely. Christmas was such a magical time. There was something about being wrapped up in cosy clothes, the lights, the carols, wandering around with a spiked hot chocolate. I had loved it. The whole evening had been so dreamy, I think it really made me like Ben even more. Was I crazy for thinking this could actually go somewhere? I know it was soon, but so far he had just seemed so perfectly suited to me and he had everything I look for in a partner. I expressed this to Harry and he, as he always had these past few weeks, told me to slow down and really take my time. It was sweet he was looking out for me and I understood why but I dunno, I really feel like Ben and I could be something. We had not been intimate yet. Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly a prude. I had my fair share of one night stands in my lifetime but it just hadn't felt like the right time yet. I didn't yet feel the urge to rip his clothes off. Don't get me wrong, I found him attractive but it was just a slower burn I think. I didn't doubt that feeling would come. Not once did Ben ever make me feel pressured to invite him home either. He would drop me off at my door, kiss me sweetly and say goodbye. He was patient and sweet. Taylor, unlike Harry, was very pro-Ben. She thought he was perfect for me and was constantly eager for any updates. Always ready to dissect every conversation and ready to ponder what this meant or what that meant. The girl really over thought every little thing and she was starting to pass that trait onto me. I really needed to knock that on the head.

I arrived at the restaurant right on time. Gemma, Michal and some of her friends were already sat around the table.  There were still some empty seats though so thankfully I wasn't the last to arrive. I gave the birthday girl a big hug and handed over her present. Nothing too extravagant, just a lovely gold bracelet with a hanging gem I knew she would love. It was simple and elegant, just like her. I greeted Michal with a quick hug and said Hi to the others around the table. Someone had graciously already ordered me a glass of wine. Gemma immediately sat herself down next to me, leaning in.

"How was your trip out to LA?" She asked quietly. I hadn't had a chance to see her in the past month so we hadn't really gone into detail over the few days I had been out there.

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