Two Of Us

310 13 5

13th May, Horsens

Today, of all the days, there needs to be delay after delay on the flights out of Heathrow. Why for gods sake didn't I just move things around and fly yesterday? I had the job interview yesterday for the promotion. Ok, I probably couldn't have moved that around but I was still cursing myself.

I was supposed to land in Billund at midday. Now I was going to land just before 6pm. Doing the quick math, I knew I would be lucky to hit the stadium before Harry went on. Time in passport control, then wait for baggage, then a taxi to Horsens. It was going to be extremely tight.

I couldn't help but frantically tap my foot on the linoleum floor in the passport queue and then bounce my knee up and down in the car ride over, glancing at my watch every 60 seconds. It was torture. My mind was doing nothing but think, get me there, please get me there. I was reacting like it would be the end of the world if I arrived late. The reality was what? I would have to wait another 2 hours or so to see him, to hug him? It wasn't the end of the world, I knew that logically, but right now it felt so important to get there. This moment was a long time coming.

Phil was standing at the little check in gate I was instructed to go to at the stadium. He chucked a lanyard around my neck, grabbed my suitcase out of my hand and frantically said "go, go that way, go" pointing his finger. We ran through halls and doors until I finally spotted him. Pacing back and forth, his hand worrying against his chin, rubbing the skin raw. His brows furrowed, some little worry lines spreading across his forehead. I stopped for a minute and just watched him, Phil a few feet behind me. Harry looked incredible. That orange jacket sparkling away, the light blue pants contrasting beautifully. All these colours shouldn't go together, but as usual he made it work. Not only made it work, he looked breathtaking. His hair was perfectly coiffed, his bare chest lotioned and looking good enough to lick.

"Hey you" I started, "waiting for someone?" I asked rhetorically, unable to hide the wide grin that spread on my face.

"Oh Thank God!" He exclaimed, jogging the small distance between us. He grabbed me around the waist, lifting me up into the air for just a minute and spinning around before I was set back on my feet. He pulled me right into him, hugging me as if his life depended on it before letting me go.
"I didn't think you were going to make it!" He let out, his hands moving to hold onto the sides of me face.

"Wild horses wouldn't keep me away" I grinned up to him, letting my hands rest against his bare chest lightly.

Without warning his lips crashed into mine, stealing the breath right out of my lungs. His hands pulled my face up to his as he pressed his lips over and over against mine.

"I'm sorry" he finally muttered, pulling away. "I know you wanted to wait before anyone knew but there was no way I was going to last a few more hours before doing that" he added quietly.

"Well" I started, moving my hands to grasp onto the lapels of his jacket. "You've done it now, you might as well do it again" A small laugh escaping my mouth as a grin spread across his.

He pulled my face up to his before his hands moved to cradle me to him. He held me so tight I forgot how to breath. His lips met mine, slower this time, more gentle, deliberate.
"I've missed you, so much" he whispered, moving his lips to press on the tip of my nose quickly before he rested his forehead against mine.
He let out a long breath, his shoulders dropping completely as I ran my hands across his back lightly.

"Intros starting" I heard Toms voice, saw his hand clapping onto Harry's shoulder. Harry moved back just a little, pressing his lips to my forehead quickly. Right at the spot where his own skin had just been pressed.

"Hey Addy, good to see you" Tom said, doing a good job of subtly pushing Harry away from me and leaning across to kiss my cheek lightly. "Let me show you out front" he addressed me. His way of telling Harry he had to go now.

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