You Know Where I'm At

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20th May, London

We had been together a full week now. We flew from Denmark to Munich and had 2 free days before the shows started. To my surprise, we actually made it outside of the hotel room.
We visited Nymphenburg palace, St Peter's Church, we strolled around Viktualienmarkt and ate pastries. We went for jogs around the park in the morning, ate ice cream late at night. It was perfect. We stayed a minimum of 2 metres apart out in public at all times. I hadn't put much thought into how difficult that would be before. But every time his eyes lit up at a sight before him or the look on his face as he found something unbelievably funny, the urge to kiss that dimple would soar through me and I had to squash it down. We were still in that new phase, you know the one. Where you just didn't want to keep your hands off each other. I think we were still in this bubble of infatuation, where real life and it's issues hadn't come to us yet.

Harry had obviously been recognised quite a lot. But in a wonderful way, everyone who approached had been so kind and respectful. Everything was going almost too good to be true.

We flew back into London last night. We'd spent the entire day wandering around Munich with Mitchell and Sarah before we all made our way to the airport. By the time we got back to the house, I was exhausted but it had been hours and hours before I could even do something as simple as touch Harry on the arm.
The minute the front door closed I dropped my bag onto the floor and wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in his chest and breathing him in as much as I could.

"Hey you" Harry said, pushing my hair back away from my face and then placing his palms against my cheeks. "Are you ok?" He asked, tilting my face up to look at him.

"I just missed you" I said, placing my head back against his chest. It was crazy. I hadn't left his side the entire day, but I just missed his touch. It was only the first couple of days though, I figured I would get used to it.

"I know what you mean" he laughed, wrapping his arms around my back and squeezing me tight.

This morning started out with Harry and I taking a bath together. It was overflowing with bubbles, we had mimosas for breakfast, there were candles littering around the tub. Sounds romantic right?

I was laying back against the porcelain, Harry laying between my legs, his head resting against my sternum. My fingers running through his hair softly, trying hard to be in the moment but my phone kept buzzing on the shelf next to the tub.

"Just get it" Harry finally said as the third text came through.
"Charlie again?" He asked as I leant over and grabbed the phone, clicking on the messages.

"Mhmm" I hummed as I quickly fired off a reply and replaced the phone onto the shelf.

"Why does he keep texting you?" He sighed out, shifting himself to sit up better. No longer laying against my body.

"I dunno. He's just sad I guess. Breaks ups, messy y'know. And he's updating me on how Stanley's settling in" I answered quietly. Ok, Charlie had been texting quite a lot the past couple of days but he was just down. He needed someone. He had also took Stanley for the next few weeks. I just told him I was able to work remotely for a while so I was taking the opportunity to travel around whilst doing it. As vague as an explanation I could give.

"Yeah. He's sad, but leaning on you for support? Of all people? It's just weird is all I'm saying" he muttered.

"Harry Styles, are you jealous?" I laughed, pulling him back against me, letting my hands run across his chest.

"No, I'm not" he protested "I just think it's fucked up. He's leaning on you for support about his breakup with the woman he cheated on you with. He's been texting constantly for days and he knows you've been away. He has other friends, that's all I'm saying".

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