On A Night Like Tonight

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18th June, London. Wembley pt2

"Do you ever feel like your entire life has led to this moment? Like this is exactly where you should be?" Harry asked as we sat on top of the Heath. The sun just starting to poke out just above the horizon.

"Not really, but our lives are very different" I chuckled.
"Talk to me H, what's going on?" I asked, linking my arm through his and resting my head against his shoulder.

"It's just, this tour has been my life for so long yanno. Now it's winding down and what am I doing afterwards? What direction am I going in? It's been so long since the futures been wide open that it's freaking me out a bit. And now this last show at Wembley, what if this is the last time ever I get to play Wembley? Get to play London? You know how much of a big deal Wembley has always been. I feel like I'm supposed to be here. That I've been working for this day. It's pressure and it's scary" He sighed out, stretching his legs out in front of him and running a hand through his hair.

"You're right, it is a big deal. Maybe this is the part where I say oh of course you'll play again. Which I truly believe you will. You are too talented for this to be the last time. But Harry, you are right, we don't know the future. So if it is the last time, you really should be taking every moment of tonight in. Not concentrating on the scary but concentrating on the magic you've created. Take it in, feel it and enjoy it. Get on that stage and have the best night of your life. And take none of it for granted. Plus, I really really fancy you in those sparkly overalls so I wanna see you give it your all" I laughed out at the end, grabbing onto his hand and running my thumb around and around his palm.

"The overalls do it for you? Really?" He smirked, turning and looking down at me with bemusement behind his eyes.

"You know what would make it even better? Ditch the T-shirt underneath. Flash me some nip" I laughed and he laughed along with me. His dimples flashing out in all their glory.

"I'll see what I can do" He replied, shaking his head and chuckling to himself.

"Honestly though H, tonight's gonna be great. No matter what, it's going to be the best night of so many peoples lives. You are going to touch them and spread so much love and positivity. That's important." I reiterated, resting my head against him once more and running my finger tips up and down his back.

"One month left of this tour Addy bear. What do you wanna do afterwards? If we could do anything in the world, what would you choose?"  He asked, switching the conversation.

"Hm" I said, really pondering the question. What exactly did I want? Was I ready to sit here and plan out the rest of our lives? No. No it was too soon for that.
"I wanna go somewhere we can sleep outside together on a hammock. Where we can play volleyball on a beach. Where we can let the sun just beat on our skin, you can whisper sweet nothings to me and not worry that there's gonna be pictures. I wanna go somewhere we can have sex on a boat and no one ever knows about it. I wanna go somewhere we can go on a date. I want you to take me on a real date and it just be us."
Anything in the world and what I really wanted was to just be us. I wanted us to be together as much as possible until I had to go back to work and he started on whatever project was next. Us being together was what was important.

"That's it?" He asked, smirking down at me.

"Initially, that's it" I nodded. Ofcourse after a break away would come work and life and friends and finding a balance that really worked for us. Figuring out how we slotted into each others lives for real. Right now it was great because this wasn't every day life. I was able to pick up my life and travel around with him, but that was temporary.

"I took you on a date in Italy" he laughed, leaning in and kissing me on the temple.

"That was absolutely not a date" I chuckled, remembering that night in Portofino. How the night sky looked, how beautiful the place was, how perfect the restaurant was, how we could have looked like any other couple on holiday. It was close to a perfect day.

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