I Can't Help Myself

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24th May, Coventry

The first day in Coventry was a dream. Harry left London first thing in the morning. Kissing me goodbye on the door step, telling me he would miss me even though it was only gonna be mere hours apart.

Taylor and Meg picked me up at 10.30 that morning. I was instructed that they had packed the outfits for that nights show and I had no say in it. The drive down was a lot of chatter and sing alongs to Taylor Swift. Meg entertaining us with all her latest disaster date stories. She was that friend in the group that kept us all laughing with her shenanigans. Sometimes I swear she just did it for the plot.

"Hey" she said, turning to me from the front seat as we made it out of London and on to the motorway. "I have a proposition for you" she grinned and in the rear view mirror I could see Taylor smiling too.

"Intrigued, go on" I laughed.

"Ella's moving in with her boyfriend. Sooooo... I'm on the lookout for a new flat mate"

"Are you kidding?" I gasped, reaching across the seat to grab at her shoulder. Meg lived in Wood Green, a suburban area of London outside of the touristy bits. It was lovely. Peppered with independent shops and charming little cafes. It has Wood Green Common, a lovely little garden that is quiet and peaceful. It was more than I could hope for. Better than any place I had looked before. "I would love to!" I gasped "Thank You! This is incredible".

"Oh, I almost wish I wasn't getting married so I could move in with you two" Taylor pouted playfully from the drivers seat.

The whole journey was fun. I was riding a high from having my own place to call home. Honestly, get you some friends who can make journeys down the motorway unforgettable. I would never stop reminding myself that I was one of the lucky ones.

"Oh my god, Harry hooked us up" Taylor squealed as we walked into the hotel suite we had. It was huge. Dark blue and gold decor. 3 full double beds in it, a whirlpool bath, huge dressing areas. Even a platform stood in front of the massive full length mirror. Harry had even filled the table with all my favourite snacks and multiple bottles of wine in ice buckets. It was the perfect place for a girls day.

"This is incredible. Where do I find a mate like Harry?" Meg laughed, moving straight to the wine bottles. It was barely lunch time. I could already see how bad the hangover was going to be the morning after.

The afternoon was so much fun. We sung, we danced, we drank all of the wine. The fact we were able to still able to get ready on time was in fact a miracle.
The girls had bought us matching dresses in different colours. They reminded me of 20s flapper dresses. Just sequin fringes the whole way down. Mine was red, deep v cut on the neckline and a v cut on the hemline too. The sides of the dress being so short I had to wear string underwear so as not to flash any of my knickers at strangers. Taylor put some sparkly cherry clips in my hair and red sparkles on my face.
Megs was green, with tiny little kiwi accessories. Taylor's was yellow, with little lemons.
Guess the theme was fruit tonight. At least they allowed me to wear flat shoes.

We took an Uber over the venue early enough that we could pop backstage see Harry. Meg had been going on all day about how she wanted to meet him. She had only met him once before and that was during a busy party with so many people around. Apparently that didn't even count, she informed me.
We made our way around the venue easily. All of us had been here before. The venue hosted a medical conference every summer so it was all familiar. Those conferences had always been a bit wild back in our younger days. Free bars when your in your early 20s. Never a good combination. You would find at least one of us throwing up in the toilet every year.
Even if you didn't know your way around a venue, you just had to follow the train of feathers and sparkles and you could find your way into a Harry Styles show.

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