Night Changes

343 13 3

9th December, Brazil

I woke up the next morning when several things seemed to be happening to my body in unison. I needed to pee, bad. My head was pounding so hard it felt like there was a little team of construction workers locked inside building a sky scraper. And my stomach, my stomach was quickly threatening to empty all its contents. My head was fuzzy, my eyes not yet quite focused and and as my hands scanned around my body looking for my phone I stopped with a jolt. I was fully naked. There was a fully naked person next to me. I tried to lift my head off the pillow to look at the surroundings but the movement sent the throbbing right behind my eyes and I dropped it quickly. Deep breaths, just take deep breaths and it will pass. I kept telling myself this as I tried to piece together every memory of the night before. I was in Brazil. I went to see Harry. We went to LOT. Taylor and Ricky left. I must check on them. Drinking, tequila, dancing.

Oh lord! It all hit me at once. In my minds eye I could see it. I could see myself astride Harry's lap, practically naked. I could almost feel his erection below me. I could remember the weight of him on top of me. The feel of him filling my insides. FUCK! What had we done? I flew out here to talk, and instead I let him fuck me. What the hell happened to both of our judgement last night? My mind whirled and I felt even more nauseous than before. Had the pair of us just completely ruined our friendship forever?

I crept out the bed silently, there was nothing near to cover myself so I made a quiet dart for the bathroom. I relieved myself and then splashed a lot of cold water on my face. How the hell where we supposed to be with each other this morning? Do we just laugh it off as an oooopsie sorry about that? Do we discuss what it meant? What it means going forward? Do we pretend neither of us remembers what happened and go on as if it didn't? I could sit on the bathtub and cry, but I feared that would only spur my headache on more. I decided to creep back into bed, pretend I was asleep. Let him take the lead on how we were handling this. Right now, that was the only solution I had.

I crept back into the bed successfully, Harry barely even stirring. I stole a quick glance at him and he looked peaceful sleeping, serene even. His eyelashes casting beautiful shadows across his face. His jawline at this angle was sublime. God, listen to me! Get a grip of yourself woman.
I lay back down, pulling the sheet right up to cover every inch of my naked body. I mean, maybe he didn't remember what it looked like right?

I lay there for a solid 10 minutes, mind racing. Over thinking every possibility of what would come but also trying to bat away any of the vivid memories from the previous night. My body practically shuddered every time the memory of how his fingers sent me into an overwhelming orgasm invaded my mind.

As I felt him stir besides me, my body went rigid. He let a yawn, shifting himself towards me and my entire brain went into overdrive. Preparing myself for whatever was to come.

Instead, he buried his face into my neck, his legs intertwining with mine. His hand spanned across my ribs and I marvelled for a second how fragile and small that made me feel. Like he could break me easily. Physically and emotionally.

"Good morning" he mumbled, his voice raspy and deep.
It took me by surprise how sexy I found it. He pulled me tighter to him and I let my body go lax, letting it happen. His curls where wild, he had pillow marks across his cheek, his eyes were bright but sleepy. In this morning light, looking so vulnerable and fresh I could almost believe I was here with an 18 year old Harry all over again.
He pressed a soft kiss to my cheek and then let his head fall back against the pillow once more, his eyes closing again.

This wasn't a scenario I had allowed myself to imagine this morning. I never once believed we would be carrying on the intimacy of last night, yet here he was. His body curled right against mine. I guess friends cuddle?

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