Hope and Agony

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The spacious room was lit up by crystal chandeliers, expensive paintings and brass animal heads adorned the walls. The rosewood table in the middle was filled with exotic snacks and tea. Abhimanyu sat in front of the hostess, his expression sombre and apologetic.

" So this is the man." Badi Maharani-sa whispered, her hands shaking, as she gave the photo back to him.

" I recognised him instantly."

"He is the trusted aide of Nayantara Ranawat." Badi Maharani-sa said resolutely," I should've realised it sooner, only she would move in the shadows and attack from the back.That family never stopped coveting Madhopur fields. But one of my sons must be helping them on the inside."

 Abhimanyu admitted, " This isn't a good enough proof to incriminate them."

" Justice needs proofs or evidences, Abhimanyu. I want revenge for my son, not justice." She said her eyes blazing like embers.

 It had been years since she had said Nayantara's name aloud.The bitter rivalry between them, of gracefulness and nobility when they were young girls, of splendour and riches when they became Queens, was finally going to end. She would destroy her, once and for all.

" I know the enemy. It's only a matter of time." Badi Maharani-sa sighed, " Rivannah cannot stay in Prathampura now. I'll send her back to the US, like I should have, in the first place.Even with her fake identity, she might become our weakness."

" I disagree!" Abhimanyu exclaimed and cleared his throat awkwardly, " They would never expect her to hide in their own territory. You have my word that she's perfectly safe."

Badi Maharani-sa was too preoccupied to notice the unease in his voice.


Vikram hurried out of the exam room, crumpling his last exam paper. As per the tradition, his group would celebrate the end of exams with a camping trip. He had already decided their destination and was going to meet his gang to discuss the details.

 Just as he passed by a shady Banyan tree, his eyes fell on a lone figure, dressed in white kurti. She was struggling to balance a heavy book and the paper in her hands.

" I guess no one told you." Vikram smirked, leaning against the tree, " It's a sin to study after  exams." 

" I'm just checking a doubtful question." Riva protested, hiding the paper," And it's really none of your business."

" Well, I wouldn't be so sure of that." Vikram said teasingly, holding out his hand for her, " Come on now. Club meeting in five."

" But we don't have any fest coming up." Riva pointed out, ignoring his hand.

 Something behind his honey eyes was causing chills down her spine. She exhaled sharply when he leaned down in front of her, putting a stern hand on her shoulder, brows pinched with a serious expression and his warm breath fanning her face.

" I'm in no mood to answer questions." He said with hint of warning, " And the consequences of disagreeing with me our beyond your imagination.Just come with me, will you?" 

Rivannah was overwhelmed by his touch and her heard quivered at the threat laced in his words. Vikram domineering aura never affected her like this. Every protest and argument died on her lips.Her hurt pride was long buried under the strong sense of self-preservation.

As if compelled to obey, she nodded her head. 

He threw his head back and started laughing, "Gotcha!" 

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