Birthday and Betrayal

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Rivannah's birthday outfit^

Man Singh was sick with worry. His Lord was listless and inanimate ever since they came back. He hardly talked to anyone or focussed on party matters. One could even say Abhimanyu appeared to be possessed.The profound dread of 'siren' and 'enchantment' haunted the old man.

" When is the meeting scheduled with Hari Chaudhry?" Abhimanyu asked, jerking him awake from his speculations.

" On Saturday, my Lord." Man Singh said hurriedly, then added absent-mindedly, "The Princess' birthday also happens to be that day."

" Rivannah's birthday?" Abhimanyu perked up, his grey eyes twinkling with adoration and mirth.

" Yes, your Highness.Maharani-sa wanted to throw her birthday party but the Princess politely declined. She wanted the day to go by just like any other. I'm sure she must be missing her father." Man Singh sighed.

" Why didn't I know of this sooner?" Abhimanyu demanded, shutting close the files. 

Man Singh gave him a pointed look.His lord was hardly home these days. Even the Maharani had beckoned him and expressed her concerns for Abhimanyu's strange behaviour. Man Singh dare not to mention the siren's curse to aggravate her worries but he secretly called for the infamous mystic of his village.

" It slipped from my mind, your Highness." Man Singh bowed his head.

" I wonder what she would want as a present. Perfumes? Watches? No, it's too generic. I must give her something special." Abhimanyu pondered, " I doubt she cares about jewellery. A car would be of no use to her either."

" I can find it from Zorawar!" Man Singh chirped, delighted at his lord's good mood," I'll call him right away!"


" I thought you weren't religious." Vikram teased. 

Riva's eyes were shut in deep focus and her hands were folded into modest prayer. She pretended not to hear him and continued the fervent pleadings for strength.

" We only have a limited time until my bodyguard finds me." Vikram sighed dramatically, pacing around the small mandir. 

It was old and unpopular among the Prathampura locals, owing to the steep climb that was required to reach there. It suited their needs since they were keeping the relationship a secret.

" What are you even praying for?" Vikram demanded, folding his arms, " Tell me, Riva. There's nothing I can't give you." 

" I'm asking for strength." Riva opened one eye and chided him," I'll need His blessings tonight."

" Is there something special happening?" Vikram quirked his lips, " You've been nervous and fidgety the whole day. I've never seen you like this before."

" It's nothing." Riva lied smoothly.

 She didn't want him to know it's her birthday today. It was only a week since they started dating. While the free-spirited Prince kept her mind off the worries growing in her heart, she missed her father so desperately that she couldn't wait for the horrid day to be over.

" Liar. You've got such an obvious tell. I don't even know why you bother." Vikram clutched her fingers lingering on the blue watch and laced it in his warm ones. Riva's heart fluttered at the action.

" Ba-My grandmother is coming to visit me." Riva blurted, " I have some pressing problems to discuss with her.We don't get along too well."

" Is there any person who can win against you?" Vikram wondered. Her stubbornness and determination attracted him like a moth to a flame.

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