Chapter 4- 10 Points to Slytherin, Mr. Malfoy

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Hermione closed the door of her little house with a bit more force than necessary and leaned against it as if to keep the world at bay. Blaise Zabini was a menace. She sighed and dropped her bag beside the door, tossing her keys at the hook that was charmed to catch them if she got within a meter of it. The look on Draco Malfoy's face when he had pulled his wedding band off had made her heart cry.

How could people be so cruel?

Hermione kicked her shoes off and went to the kitchen, with a wave of her wand the kettle set itself to boiling and her favorite mug assembled itself into the start of a cup of tea. She pulled a plate of leftovers from the fridge and set them in the oven to warm and wandered to the kitchen bookshelf, what to read tonight? She scanned the titles. Muggle romances lay snugged up with wizard mysteries, medical journals and copies of witch weekly and the quibbler sent to her by Pansy and Luna respectively. Maybe she ought to see what her library had in occlumency. Especially as Blaise was bound to continue to snoop in her brain about Malfoy. He was a chronic matchmaker, the minute he had realized Pansy Parkinson found her current boyfriend attractive he did everything he possibly could to set them up and bungle everything in the process. It had worked out in the end but not without completely embarrassing Pansy on more than one occasion. Yes, occlumency would be a good skill to master and sooner rather than later.

Hermione collected the books she had that were about or referenced occlumency and took notes as she ate her dinner. Finally around midnight she set everything aside, magicked the dishes into the sink to wash themselves and headed to the shower before bed. She was beginning to think she'd need to talk with Harry about lessons in occlumency. Or maybe Draco? He had been using that skill set longer than Harry had so he could possibly be the better teacher. But then Blaise would be a pain in the butt about Draco in a heartbeat. Harry was by far the safer choice.

Finally Hermione crawled into bed, fresh pajamas and clean sheets. She sighed happily. And then the part of her mind she most wanted to block from Blaise's prying eyes started painting pictures of a happy little family. The memories Scorpius had shared of Draco smiling filtered into her mind- He was undeniably attractive, especially when his face lit up with that smile, love for his son filling his eyes. She could just picture him asleep next to her, blond hair almost glowing in the sliver of the street lights that made it in through her drawn curtains. One arm thrown across her waist, snoring lightly. Or maybe snorting like a freight train. She grinned. Little Scorpius sleeping in the next room.

Or maybe breakfast, Draco putting the kettle on with sleep tousled hair and no shirt... God she needed to get out more if the hottest fantasy she could come up with was a half dressed man making her tea. Hermione rolled over and did her best to quiet her mind and sleep. She had work in the morning after all.

Three hours later she sat up in bed. Chubby baby fingers in her mind again, Astoria screaming red faced, Draco arms raised in self defense, Hermione holding Scorpius, Hermione snuggling him, Hermione across the great hall smiling, Hermione holding Scorpius, Hermione in the green houses at Hogwarts, Hermione swaying holding him. Hermione in the owlery, Hermione in potions hair frizzed with concentration. Hermione kissing his head. Draco sitting holding Scorpius, tears falling down his face. Hermione leaving Scorpius with the nurse.

"I get it. I'm coming" she said out loud as she sat up and threw the blankets off. She sent back peace and the memory of her holding him while he slept. He sent excitement and anticipation. Hermione pulled on her slippers and a housecoat, not bothering with proper clothes as it was 3am and only the night shift would be up at the hospital, and she turned on the spot and apparated to st. Mungo's.

"Evening Maude. Everything going well tonight?"

"Oh Dr. Granger! Everything is fine. The baby in 206 just stopped fussing, he was fit to be tied for a while. I was about to send for back up." The older nurse looked over Hermione's outfit,

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