Chapter 13- Friday night dinner with the Zabini's

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"Do you want us to drop you off at home or do you want to head back from Blaises?" Draco asked, Scorpius' sleepy head drooped against Hermione's shoulder, his thumb tucked into his mouth.

"I can go with you to Blaises. But I'll need to head home to change before dinner." Hermione laid her cheek against the soft fuzz of the baby's hair. Draco offered her his hand which she took, stepping a bit closer than necessary before he apparated the three of them back to the Zabini's.

Draco took Scorpius up to the nursery once they arrived, and Hermione apparated home to change into more comfortable clothes, she wanted to just sprawl out on the couch and do nothing for a bit before dinner. Once changed into a pair of jeans and a tshirt Hermione flopped onto the couch with a book, but dozed off within a minute. The alarm on her phone would wake her before the usual dinner hour at the Zabini's so she let her eyes drift shut without worry.

She woke an hour or so later to the sound of a car door shutting in her unused driveway.

"'Mione!" her mother's voice drifted in through the open kitchen window, Hermione sat up and yawned, shaking her wand into her hand to unlock the door for her mother.

"It's open mum!" Jean Granger let herself in the kitchen door, leaving it open as Crookshanks darted out into the garden between her feet.

"How has your week been, darling?" she asked as she set a bag of groceries on the counter, "I brought you some fresh bread to take to Blaise and Luna's tonight, provided you're going this week. Are Draco and the baby still staying with them?" Hermione stood up and moved to the counter to start putting the groceries away.

"Yes, I actually had a meeting with him and Headmistress McGonagall about the baby after lunch today."


"Scorpius has shown rather strong magic even though he's still very young, so I recommended that Draco talk with the Headmistress about it, and he invited me to go with them." Jean folded the now empty grocery bag up and laid it down on the counter as she sat on a stool watching her daughter work.

"And so you went, of course. Did the meeting go well?"

"Very well. McGonagall told Draco that he's doing fine. Which he is. It's just the typical first-time parent worries and all." Hermione stacked fresh apples into her fruit basket.

"So what's got you so wound up about this fellow?" her mother asked after a lengthy silence.

"I'm not wound up over Draco Malfoy."

"You are. You haven't talked about anyone like this since you and Ronald broke up, and I know it's not because of your school history with him, considering the fact that you've not called him 'Malfoy' once." she pronounced the surname as Hermione had during her school years- like it left a disgusting taste in her mouth. Jean looked at her daughter, who leaned heavily against the stove.

"He's just got out of a very bad relationship, an arranged marriage with an abusive wife. The whole reason we've been talking lately is because she nearly killed the baby."

Her mother's eyes went wide,


"Probably closer to psychosis than purely depression, also massive childhood trauma. I've only met her once and she was half out of her mind and from what I've heard of her parents... Draco tried to get her help but she made his life hell for it."

"Are they still married?"

"No, they're divorced now." Hermione turned and put a few more things away.

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