Epilogue- 10 years later

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"Mooommmm!! I can't find my book!" Cassiopeia whined as she flounced into the little kitchen that seemed to grow tinier with each passing year.

"What were you reading last, darling?" Hermione asked, flipping pancakes onto a plate.

"Nancy drew and the secret of red gate farm."

"Mmm, your sister had that last." Nearly 10 year old Cassie sighed and took off shouting for her younger sister. "Lyra!"

The 8 year old peeked over the edge of the couch, "I'm over here." She said airly, "You don't have to shout, people are trying to read." She sounded and looked like Luna, and Hermione sometimes jokingly wondered if Lyra and Carmen hadn't been switched at birth. But Carmen was the spitting image of Blaise, so probably not.

"Mom." Hermione felt the familiar touch of her son's mind on her own. What once had been chubby baby fingers now the gentle warmth of a growing boy. "Come see what Leo and I found in the garden!" She turned the griddle off, "let me get these last pancakes off the stove and I'll be right there, Sunshine." She sent back.

"Alright. I'll make sure it doesn't escape before you get here."

"Escape?" She flipped the pancakes onto the plate a touch too early, but if the boys had something alive trapped in the garden...

She wiped her hands off on her apron as she walked to the front door of her little cottage and saw her eldest and youngest sitting on the steps, one head of white blond curls, the other brown but straight like his father's. Their faces were carbon copies of each other.

"careful Leo, you don't want to hurt it." Scorpius said, in his hands sat a tiny green dragon she hadn't seen in a year or more, the strand of pearls having been tucked away in the most comfortable jewelry box that sat on the mantle in her room and was only opened on very special occasions. "Nuri?" She said as she knelt by her boys, the dragon turned its head toward her and snorted a tiny spurt of fire. Leo jumped back with a squeak, clutching at her arm.

"Really?" Scorpius said to the dragon, "he says his name is Kai. But he knows Nuri."

"Can he stay with us, mom?" Leonidas asked, tugging on her apron.

"If he wants to, darling. Dragons, even tiny ones like Kai, are their own creatures." She ruffled his dark hair, "Let me get your father." She went back into the house and found Draco sprawled out on the library couch ostensibly reading, but it looked more like he was napping to her. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheek, "wake up sleeping beauty,"

Draco woke quickly, "mmm? Was I asleep?"

"Yes, and before breakfast was on the table too. I didn't keep you up that late last night."

Draco pulled her down on top of him, nuzzling her neck and pressing kisses to her jaw.

"You can keep me up late any night, love." She laughed and kissed him back.

"I came to get you because your son's have something they want you to see." She said as she pushed up off his chest.

He sat up, taking her with him.

"Really, well I guess I better go see it."

"Mmm, also apparently Scorpius' legilimency works on dragons."

"They found a Dragon?" He was on his feet and out the door in a second. Hermione just sat on the couch and smiled for a minute. She could hear Draco and the boys talking on the front porch, then heard Draco call back into the house for the girls to join them. She loved these weekends in the country just as much as the weekdays at the manor. Scorpius would be off to Hogwarts in a couple of months and life would be quieter without him. Blaise's boy, Lysander would be going the next year, and Scorpius would have James and Albus there too. She got up off the couch and the movement in the family photo on her desk caught her eye. Blaise and Luna with Carmen and Lysander on one side, Harry and Ginny with James, Albus, and Lily on the other. And in the middle, her and Draco with their four. The children all laughing and smiling.

Life was perfect.

The End.


I couldn't work it in to the story but Cassie has her mothers dark curly hair. Lyra's is not curly- but not straight either- and blonde (thus the comparison to Luna), and Leonidas is 5.
Scorpius is of course going to be in Slytherin with Albus, Cassie is Gryffindor, Lyra is Ravenclaw and little Leo will be a Hufflepuff (like me!). 

And for Kicks and giggles- the kids getting sorted:

Cassie is sorted:
"Are you sure you're a Malfoy?"
"Definitely a Malfoy."
"So follow the family line?"
"not Slytherin."
"Well well. that's brave of you, first Malfoy to break the mold. better be Gryffindor!"

Lyra is sorted:
"ANOTHER Malfoy?! we haven't had this many Malfoys in Generations."
"Ten to be precise."
"oh, done your research have you?"
"mmm, just wait till you meet my brother."
"Scorpius? would you like to be Slytherin like him?"
"please- I'd never get my homework done."
"Ravenclaw it is then young lady. Should have put your mother in Ravenclaw I think."

Leonidas is sorted during Scorpius' final year:
*Sorting hat chokes*
"Malfoy. again. There's more Malfoys than there are Weasleys this year!"
"I'm the last one, so don't worry."
"you're a sweet one. you know what- Matched set. Off to Hufflepuff you go lad. Your cousin Tonks would be proud of you."

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