Chapter 17- Mesdames Malfoy

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Scorpius drifted off to sleep beside them and Draco was feeling a bit sleepy himself when Hermione spoke



"Sorry about bringing us here earlier. I really did mean to go to the manor."

"I'm not sorry. I like this house. It's warm and homey and welcoming."

And if they'd gone to the manor, she'd have disappeared into her bedroom to cry by herself and Draco wouldn't have been able to hold her like this. He pressed a kiss to her hair, enjoying how she felt in his arms. Hermione's stomach growled then and Draco chuckled low in his chest. "We never did get lunch did we?" He said softly, realizing that he was rather hungry as well, and Scorpius was passed out on the bed beside them.

"There's food in the kitchen. We won't starve." she whispered back. Draco didn't want to get up, but they did need to get on with their day. He sighed. "Come on then. Let's see if we can escape the baby and get something to eat."

Hermione huffed, but rolled out of bed. She kicked her shoes off and went to her closet, pulling out a Tshirt and jeans to change into. The fancy blouse and dress slacks weren't what she wanted to work in at home. "I'm going to get changed, then I'll be right down" she said in a hushed tone so as not to wake Scorpius. Draco was on his feet by that point and casting a couple of charms over the bed so they'd know when Scorpius woke up and one to make sure he couldn't fall off the bed. He shot her a thumbs up as she closed the bathroom door behind her.

Hermione stood in the bathroom for a minute and just breathed. Molly had chosen to walk away. Which meant the rest of the Weasleys probably wouldn't want her around as well. Ginny of course was the exception. That saved her the trouble of deciding what to wear to Ronald's wedding in two weeks time anyway. She sighed heavily. What on earth was she going to do? Draco had held her and let her cry it out, just as sweet and caring as you please. And the way he had said Granger... it made her heart flip. It just felt natural to be with him. She heard her bedroom door squeak open and Draco's footsteps on the stairs to the main floor. It was a bit strange to have him in her house though, despite the fantasies she'd had about just this sort of thing. She quickly changed into the clothes she'd grabbed, and then snuck out of the bedroom so as not to wake Scorpius.

When she got to the bottom of the stairs she found Draco with every cabinet in the kitchen open, leaning against the counter staring into the shelves that made up her pantry.

"Well that's an interesting way to figure out where stuff is." she said as she leaned on the counter behind him. He turned, "trying to see what you've got out here. It looks like you didn't make any sort of list the last- oh" he counted under his breath "six times you've gone shopping."

"What makes you say that?"

"You've got six bottles of golden syrup up here."

Hermione giggled, "mum brings me groceries once or twice a month, and apparently I use significantly less of that than she thinks I do."

Draco laughed and turned to sort through the refrigerator.

"Are you looking for anything in particular?"

"Just trying to decide what to make you for lunch." Hermione's eyebrows went up,

"You're making me lunch?"

Draco pulled a container of cooked chicken from the fridge.

"Of course. By the state of your kitchen I think I'm probably the better qualified of the two of us to be cooking."

"Hey! My kitchen is perfectly adequate." he turned toward her again and caught the look in her eye- she wasn't teasing as much as he was. He leaned across the counter and took her hand,

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