Chapter 9- Mr. Guilford and the Baby

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Hermione apparated to the Zabini's house and let herself in

"Luna!" She called heading toward the kitchen where she knew Luna would probably be if Ginny was there, and sure enough both women were sitting at the counter Ginny playing with Scorpius.

"'Mione!" She said happily she gave her friend a one armed hug. The other supporting the baby on the counter. Scorpius flailed excitedly when he saw Hermione, and she felt him grabbing at her mind sending the message "hold me!" With repeat memories of her holding him at breakfast the day before.

"Did you miss me, sunshine?" Hermione asked, scooping the baby up and spinning him around, making him giggle.

"Let's go before the lunch rush gets there." Ginny said, standing.

"Where did you decide?" Hermione asked.

"There's a new bistro just down from the Leaky Cauldron I thought we could try." Ginny said

"Sounds good." Hermione replied as Luna grabbed the small diaper bag for Scorpius who would be going with them. Ginny's two children were spending the day with Molly.

The three women stepped out on the back porch and apparated to one of the designated spots outside the Leaky Cauldron. They managed to get through the tavern without running into anyone they knew and headed down the road to the bistro.

"So," Ginny said, "Luna and Harry told me what happened last night- and girl! Oh I'm so proud of you! 'he'll never marry you!'" Ginny mocked Astoria's shrill voice, "'he already has!' oooo I love it so much!" she giggled. Hermione laughed.

"What did Draco say when the guys told him?" Ginny asked

"I don't know. But he came down to my office after Blaise released him and we talked for a bit." Hermione said

"Oh? What did you talk about?" Ginny prodded,

"Well, he mostly said thank you, and then I hugged him, and then I had a meltdown and blubbered like a child."

Ginny raised an eyebrow.

"It's been a very emotional couple of days, and I havent had a solid nights sleep since meeting this ball of sunshine." Hermione said bouncing Scorpius on her hip

"And then?" Ginny prompted

"Then he told me I wasn't a terrible person, and gave me his handkerchief and just held me for a minute. I gave him my address just in case and he left for a meeting and I left for Luna's." Hermione told them. Ginny gave Luna a significant look. "He 'held' you?" Ginny asked slowly

"Yes and it was lovely." Hermione answered.

After a few more steps Ginny asked,

"'Mione- what do you think about Draco Malfoy?"

"I think he's come a long way since school, and that he's a much better person now than he used to be. And that he's been through a lot." Hermione said carefully

"And?" Ginny pressed as they came up to the bistro,

"And I really enjoy spending time with him, and my sunshine too." She snuggled the baby closer.

"And?" Luna said, Hermione looked at her,

"And suddenly I feel lonely when he's not there." Hermione said softly

"Oooh I called it." Ginny squealed.

Luna just smiled her dreamy smile, "that's how I felt about Blaise." She said.

In the bistro they were given a small table in the corner, to help keep the baby from disturbing others, Hermione didn't care. It would make it less likely for their lunch to be interrupted by Ginny's quidditch fans. After they had ordered, Hermione realized that Scorpius needed a diaper change and headed for the bathroom. As she walked she spotted Draco and another wizard sitting at a table just off line from the bathrooms, Scorpius saw him too. And then Draco's head snapped up and he looked around for a second before spotting them. A huge smile lit his face and Hermione couldn't help but smile back, Draco waved them over. "Hey Sunshine!" Draco said to his son, plucking him from Hermione's arms as they joined the two men at the table, "I was just taking him for a diaper change." Hermione said, "the girls and I are at the table in the corner." Draco glanced over and saw the flash of red and bright blond that were Ginny and Luna in deep conversation- probably planning his wedding already like their husbands.

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