Chapter 7

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Chapter 7





Gabriel's POV

Walking through the banquet doors with her arm wrapped around mines brought us a lot of attention. After all, she was quite the beauty.

"Nice to see that you were able to come!" My business partner, Jason, greeted while approaching us as I nodded. Once his dark green eyes landed on Snow, I knew something stupid was going to come out of his mouth. "Well, hello there beautiful lady. Jason MacIntosh." He greeted while kissing the back of her hand as she smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you, Jason. I'm Snow Grayson." She greeted while looking up at me for a second as I finally realized something about her. She wasn't attracted to him at all.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. By any chance you free tonight?" He asked while swiftly moving his hand through his short blonde hair as she smiled before shaking her head.

"Sadly, I am not. I'm sorry, Jason." She smiled as he looked from her to me before smirking. I hope he doesn't say some stupid shit.

"Oh, so you and Gabriel gonna get busy tonight?" He asked as her face flushed a bright red. "So are you two gonna be using protection? Or is there gonna be another Gabriel running around in a few months?" He added while playfully elbowing me as I frowned at him.

"Bye, Jason." Scarlett growled as he quickly jumped back before looking at her. "What? You thought I wasn't gonna come so you could get my husband drunk again?" She asked while raising her eyebrow as Jason quickly straightened himself up so that he didn't look guilty.

"Me? I don't drink. How's the baby?" He asked while laughing nervously as she frowned up at him before placing her hand on her hip.

"You're lucky that I can't kick your little butt with my baby present." She growled while rubbing her outstretched stomach as Jackson joined us before wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her.

"Stop making trouble, beautiful." He whispered while kissing her forehead as she glared at Jason for a minute before looking back up at Jackson and smiling.

"Fine." She whispered as I smiled at those two. I was jealous of their love, if you'd believe that. "Now, what about the children? Where are they?" She asked while looking up at him like the worried mother that she is.

"They're fine. They're with my parents. I believe." He whispered the last part as the soft thudding of pitter patter pelted against the light wooded floor before people moved out of the way as their high shrilled voices greeted us.

"Uncle!" Lucy shouted while running up to me with Chloe and Aiden behind her. Slowly squatting down, I held my arms out for her as she came tumbling into them with a big smile on her little face. "I missed you!" She squealed while kissing my cheek before hugging my neck.

"And I missed your little cute self. Are you being nice to your brothers?" I asked as she looked over at Aiden, who was currently in his father's arms with Chloe in Snow's, before looking back at me with her big mahogany red eyes. With the same bright smile on her face, she nodded quickly. "Good, than how about this weekend, I'll take you all to the fair?" I asked while looking down at my sister-in-law who looked up at Jackson with a big smile on her face.

"That would be sooo good." She whispered while nodding her head quickly as the children cheered loudly. "Now, where are your grandparents?" She asked while eyeballing Lucy as she started playing with her curly honey brown hair before looking around.

"Over there!" She cheered while pointing her little finger towards the group of famous people stood talking and laughing as I sighed to myself quietly before looking down at my sister-in-law.

"Well, I'm taking my little munchkins back to their grandparents for the night than I'm leaving with my one year old. You can stay if you like." She whispered while looking up at Jackson who kissed her forehead.

"I'll escort you home and put Julian in the bassinet next to our bed so you can keep and eye on him. Are you ready?" He asked while looking down at her as she smiled and nodded. After the married couple left with their little happy family, I turned to Snow and Chloe.

"Gabriel! Come on you, jerk. You owe me a drink!" My best friend, Angela, laughed while pulling me away as I tried to stop her but that didn't help to any avail.


Snow's POV

A Few Hours Later~

After Gabriel was pulled away by a hot brunette with eyes as beautiful as the sky, his mother came and got Chloe while introducing me to a whole bunch of strangers who I didn't even know. I liked his mother, she was like a teenager in a twenty two year old's body. But basically, I spent the rest of the evening meeting new people while trying to look for Gabriel which ended up with me leaning back on his car around eleven at night, in the cool weather.

"Snow? I-Is that you?" The familiar husky voice whispered from behind me as I pushed off his car and turned to him. He was obviously drunk. "R-Ready?" He asked while wobbling towards me as I quickly hurried to his side before helping him stand up straight.

"No. I'm driving. Where are your keys, Gabriel?" I asked as he started laughing and hiccuping while I was searching his pockets until I found them. "Gabriel? Do you think you can stand straight until I get the passenger's door open?" I asked as he nodded before I released him and pushed the key into the keyhole of the door. Just as I had turned the key and unlocked the door, the loud thud made me jump. "Gabriel?" I called out while slowly turning around only to see Gabriel laying on his back on the dark gravel.

"Snow." He sighed while holding up a hand as I grasped it to try and help him up but was tugged downward, landing on his hard chest with a quiet shriek. "You smell good." He whispered while inhaling sharply as the blood quickly rushed to my cheeks.

"G-Gabriel! Thank you." I whispered while looking down at him. "Umm...Gabriel...I don't think we should be here at this moment." I added as I started closing the space between us before our lips met.

"If all you wanted was a kiss, than you could've just said so." He whispered while wrapping his arms around my waist before locking lips with me again.

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