chapter 1

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Song for the chapter Feels like summer---Samuel Jack

   The drive down to, Cousins was my favorite thing. I loved driving in the car. It has always been my brother, mom, and me. Our dad was never in the picture. Anyway way back to why the drive is my favorite. It's around a 2-and-a-half-hour ride but we get to drive by the ocean. I guess I should explain we live in the Portland area.

I go to turn up the Taylor Swift song playing on the radio. Until Shawn slaps my hand away. He has been so stressed out about telling our mom. About college.  Which college did he get into? Stanford eeeeekkkk I'm so excited for him.  As for me, I got accepted into Brown University for Visual art. 

I look to Mom and ask if the Conklins are there yet. She says they should be there later today. I haven't told my mom either about Brown. I think later tonight at dinner will be a great time. As we pulled into the driveway, Shawn honked the horn 3 times which meant to come help us with bags immediately. Jere comes running down the stairs. Almost tackling Shawn in the process who was trying to take some bags inside. Jeremiah looks way different than last summer. His braces are gone and he looks like he's been hitting the gym.  His hair is less curly and it makes me frown. When we were kids Susana used to call him her little angel. With his curly blonde hair and blue eyes, he looked like it. All of a sudden I see him. He gives me that smirky smile. I feel myself falling for that dumb smirk all over again. But before I could do anything, I felt myself being dragged from the car. I snap out of my daze and look up to see Jeremiah pulling me to him for a big hug. Next thing I know Shawn and Jeremiah are looking at fake watches on their bare wrists. all of a sudden they are trying to grab me. I try to run from them as I'm running past Conrad, I feel his hands snake around my waist. they throw me in the pool laughing without a care in the world. I swim to the surface and say I'm wearing a white shirt you jerks. shawn looks at me and back the boys and notices them both staring. he yells at them for staring and tells them to get a towel. conrad brings over the towel and goes to help me out of the pool. As he goes to help me out I pull him in. Suddenly I felt a burning sensation in my nose and I tried to scream but my head was underwater. I finally open my eyes and see Conrad holding me down. he finally lets go after what seems like a lifetime. we surface at the same time and I splash him and tell him to leave me alone. We all get quiet when we hear a honk. I get out of the pool and run to the front yard. yes !!! the conklins are here I've been waiting all year to see belly. 

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