Chapter 16

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Tw mentions a broken arm in a weird shape.

When we arrive at where the Play It Forward game is being held Conrad helps Susanah carry some stuff to a concession stand. I am looking for Shawn cause he came earlier with Steven and Jeremiah. I find all three of them sitting in the shade on their phones. I tell Shawn we should warm up as we walk on the warm sand. I watch as Nicole gently tugs on Conrad's hand, motioning him towards the edge of the crowd. I feel my nostrils get overwhelmed with the smell of popcorn from the concession stand. I tell Shawn I'll be right back I go buy myself a small popcorn. As I'm walking back to where I left Shawn I see that he's nowhere to be found. I walk over to where Conrad is now standing talking to Susanah. She smiles and pulls me into a hug. She asks if I'm nervous I nod my head a little then I'm hit in the face with butter-covered popcorn. I look up and see him grinning like that was the funniest thing ever. Then we all hear a bell and The crowd starts to cheer loudly Belly and Taylor were up first. I watch as Taylor suddenly falls and seems to have hurt her ankle. She looks to Jeremiah and asks him to sub in. He looks confused and then smiles. Shawn and I are up against Steven and Shayla. Steven hits the ball and Shawn runs backward to go and save it but he trips and all of a sudden I'm hit with a wave of Deja Vu. I hear a snap and the crowd goes dead silent. I look over to my twin brother who is now laying on the hot sand in pain. The mom's and I rush over and see that his arm is bent in a weird shape. They look at me and I am about to lose it I feel my eyes welled with tears. I feel someone pull me away from where my brother is lying and I turn to confront them but it's Conrad. He pulls me to his chest and I break down crying like I had when Shawn first broke his arm when we were 13. He looks at Shawn and asks if it's too painful for him to take off his shirt. Shawn looks confused but then realizes it's so Conrad can sub in for him. My mom and Laurel help Shawn take off his shirt and he hands it to Conrad. Who grabs my hand and says we got this. I shake my head and try to pull my hand away from him so I can go with my twin but he pulls me back and says Shawn will be fine. He hugs me again and tells me we gotta win this game for Shawn. I see Nicole glaring at me like I've spit in her soda. Did she not just see my twin snap his arm in half? Conrad and I are going to the final with Belly and Jeremiah. Belly and Jere are 4 points ahead of us. When we call a timeout Conrad comes to me and asks what's wrong I hate how he could always read me so easily. I don't say anything. He pulls me in for another hug and tells me Shawn is gonna be fine and I'll be the first to sign his cast again. After this hug, I felt really connected with him. I serve the ball and see Jeremiah try and dive for it but he misses. Conrad comes over to me and raises his hand and we do a handshake that we haven't done in years it works just like muscle memory. we high-five do a bridge thing with our hands and spin around. It's a tied game now Belly hits the ball over the net and Conrad moves out of the way for me to get the winning hit. The crowd erupts into cheers Conrad runs over to me picks me up and spins me around. Susanah comes running to us with a giant trophy and hugs us both and says we both did great. On the drive home, Conrad sits with me in the back as we are still gleaming over our win for Shawn. Susanah says Shawn my mom and Laurel are on their way home already. I smile and lean back into my seat finally able to relax. I feel a warm heat on my hand and smile knowing it's Conrad. I look up to him and he smiles down at me. As soon as the car pulls into the driveway I'm unbuckled and run inside and find Shawn lying with his arm up in a bright blue cast no signatures in sight. I walk over to him and crouch by the couch. He smiles at me and says he waited for me to sign it first. I scribble my name on it in a gold Sharpie. He looks at me and asks how the game went. Then he smiles hugely and I turn to see Conrad walking in with the trophy. I stand and he hands it to me I say we won it for you.

The skinny dipping scene will happen next chapter so sorry for it taking so long to write but My mom had covid and I had to take care of her. Love you all thanks for all the support.

915 words

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