chapter 2

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Song for chapter Party rock anthem---lmfao

Belly I mean Isabel Conklin was the only other girl. We had to stick together being stuck with the four boys. She is a year and a half younger than me and Shawn.  Conrad's the oldest then Steven belly's brother and Shawn and I then sweet little belly button. I run to hug her and she notices I'm wet and ducks under my arms. I frown at her and she laughs. I say you should probably hide the boys were coming behind me. Her face goes pale and she gets back in the car and tries to lock the doors. Right as she is about to lock the last door Conrad pulls it open. Laughing at her failed attempt I eventually help the boys pull her out of the car. I mean it's tradition they always throw us girls in the pool. belly used to cry and throw a tantrum about it as kids. The boys hated it when she would tattle on them. We launched her in the pool. She swims up and winks at me saying she thinks she sprained her ankle. Of course, I don't fall for it so Conrad does the same and calls her bluff. Shawn though on the other hand was so worried he jumps in the pool and tries to carry belly bridal style and she laughs and dunks him under the water. 

I go to jump in the pool and Conrad goes to stop me. Or at least that's what I thought. He was pushing me in as if throwing me in wasn't enough for him. I turn as he pushes me and pull him in with me. I go to get out of the pool while everyone else is swimming. I go up to my room and change and see Chase my build-a-bear Conrad got me for my 7th birthday laying on my bed. That was the birthday I'll remember forever. One day when the moms dropped us kids off at the mall, I saw the most perfect build-a-bear ever. All the boys made fun of me for wanting it. Conrad told them they were immature and to leave me alone. When Shawn's and my birthday were a week later Conrad had me open his gift first and said I would love it. I was so happy he wanted to stand and hug me but I tackled him. It was the best gift 7-year-old me had ever received. Shawn was so grumpy all Conrad had got him was some lousy football cards. Conrad gets me a new build-a-Bear outfit for Chase every year. Shawn and my birthdays are in a week. Bellys comes later near the 4th of July. I haven't found her a gift yet. As I'm about to lay on my bed there is someone sheldon knocking on my door. (knock knock knock meadow.....knock knock knock meadow.)  Come in I yell. Jere comes in and messes with Chase and says I can't believe you still have this. I would never get rid of Chase what's wrong with you? The moms said to call you for dinner.  Dinner was quiet until Laurrel told Steven to put his phone away and when he didn't, Jere snatched it from his hands and threw it. Jere yells boom and flexes his muscles Belly laughs and Steven says it's not funny. Belly surprises everyone at the table, with what comes out of her mouth next. You are just jealous because Jere has a better body than you. the whole table got quiet. Conrad tried not to laugh but you could hear it being muffled and I kicked him under the table. which causes him to scoff at me which causes everyone to glare at him. thinking he scoffed at Belly.  We got debutante invitations from Susana I said I would go but Belly said she had to think about it. 

After dinner, I notice belly going for a night swim and I decide to join her. As I'm heading outside I stop noticing she is talking to Conrad. I start to open the door and hear Conrad asking Belly if she memorizes everything he's ever said. She tells him to get over himself. I say Conrad you are so full of yourself that not everyone is in love with you like Aubrey. His face drops and says they broke up a couple of months ago. I instantly feel awful and go to hug him but he shoves me in the pool. As I surface I hear the boys talking about some bonfire. They told Belly she couldn't go. I look at her and tell her I have a plan. We walk inside dripping water on the floor. As we come in the moms look up and smile. We both say we are gonna shower and go to bed. then their smiles drop and I instantly feel bad. they were getting ready for our movie night we always do on the first night. We go up to our rooms and I leave my door cracked open so I can hear when they start the movie. We carefully sneak out and Belly is wearing the tight pink dress. I look at her and laugh and go Where did you find that? She says it's Taylor's and we continue to walk down the dark beach. 

next comes the actual bonfire Love you all stay safe. word count 897 

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