Chapter 6

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 Song for chapter Drag me down-----One Direction

 Today is the day. Shawn and I are finally adults. As I head down the stairs Belly pops her head out of her room. She then grabs my hand and drags me into her room. I shriek as she pushes me to sit on her bed. She then tells me to close my eyes. As I do so I hear her shuffling around the room. I listened to her finally find what she was looking for. She then places a heavy box on my lap. I open my eyes and see a very neatly wrapped gift. I carefully unwrap the gift or at least I try to. But belly didn't wanna wait for me to not rip the paper and she rips it for me. Inside the box is this amazing chess set that has little starfish on it. "Belly where did you find this it's beautiful". I had it handmade for you I know how much you love the beach and chess.

 I had it handmade for you I know how much you love the beach and chess

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This is perfect Belly. I'm going to take it downstairs."Oh Meadow I hope you don't mind Taylor is coming today she will be staying the week cause my birthday is next week. I actually get to make it downstairs this time. I place my new chess set on the kitchen island. Everyone stops and admires it. I start to mess with it while the moms are making breakfast. Conrad comes up to me hugs me and tells me happy birthday. I then go hug my twin and tell him a happy birthday. I go sit next to Conrad when my phone buzzes.

 I suddenly hear Conrad scoff and he walks away to the living room

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 I suddenly hear Conrad scoff and he walks away to the living room. Susana suggests we do gifts. Conrad suddenly looks worried. He gives Shawn his gift which is a Standford sweatshirt. Shawn and I look at our mom. Conrad suddenly says he has to go meet Cleveland and leaves. I guess he forgot my present. My mom started to question Shawn once Conrad was gone. Shawn goes Meadow didn't tell you where she got accepted into either. My face goes pale. Shawn what the heck. My mom looks at me. Waiting. I got into Brown. Jere congratulated me saying that's where Con is going. Of course, he got into Brown too. The next couple of hours turns into a blur. Taylor gets here. It's just us girls in the pool and Shawn. My mom and Laurel come into the backyard saying we have some guests. Taylor looks at us and winks. The guys are here. I say let's play volleyball. They break into 2 teams boys vs. girls. As we start to play Conrad walks into the backyard with of course Nicole. The game is going extremely well for us girls I hit the ball over the net. Brandon goes to hit it back but it smacks Nicole in the face. Brandon goes to apologize to her and is standing now in the shallow end of the pool. But Conrad gets up and shoves him into the pool. Brandon resurfaces and tries to get out of the pool but Conrad pushes him again. Bradon gets tired of being pushed around and pushes Conrad back. Conrad was the first to throw a punch. They start fighting in the pool but quickly all 3 moms are outside in the water pulling the boys off of each other. Conrad storms off. Nicole doesn't even bother chasing after him she just gets up and leaves. Brandon and I go inside to get him some ice for his eye. Susana comes to apologize for Conrad's behavior saying she doesn't know what has gotten into him. 

(Time skip to later that night)

After dinner, everyone went into the living room to watch a movie. I however went outside and stuck my feet in the pool. Conrad follows me outside. He sits next to me and starts to apologize saying he doesn't know why he did that. You just had to ruin my birthday Conrad and beat up a guy who I think is nice and funny. "Oh get over yourself Meadow Did you forget he stood you up". He apologized he said his mom was sick. You know what Conrad I'm tired of playing games with you. You forgot my birthday present. He says nothing so I get up and leave. I stop in the living room and tell everyone I'm going to bed. As I enter my room I see Chase on my bed with a  new outfit and a note. 

A new outfit every year for this silly little bear----- Fishboy

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A new outfit every year for this silly little bear----- Fishboy

And with that I'm ending this chapter It was really fun to write comments and vote don't be a ghost reader Let me know how you like my story it's the first one I have written.

856 words.

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