Chapter 21

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I wake up before my alarm goes off I guess I was nervous.
I go to text Brandon but when I hit send instead of my bubble being blue it's green. I feel betrayed he blocked me. On the day of the ball. I go downstairs and find Susannah and Conrad at the island eating some eggs and bacon that smelt slightly burnt. Auntie Sue could always tell when I was even a tiny bit upset. She asks me what's wrong and I can feel the tears forming in my eyes almost spilling over. I turn to Susannah and say Brandon's not coming he blocked me I can't even text him to ask what happened. Conrad's smile falters and he comes up to me and pulls me into his arms and I lose it I break down crying. After a few minutes, I pull away from Conrad and say I'm just gonna go upstairs and get dressed.

Conrad's pov
I'm sitting at the island eating some bacon that I cooked for everyone. Mom's laughing at my bacon cooking skills it's slightly burnt. I had to run upstairs while I was cooking it to help Shawn off the floor again he was wrapped up in his blankets again. By the time I helped up Shawn, I could smell the bacon getting slightly crisper than I wanted it to be. We stop laughing when we hear someone come into the kitchen. I hear my mom asking them what's wrong and my heart drops when I hear how shaky Meadow's voice is. I didn't intend for him to stand her up the day of the dance. I just didn't want him around for the rest of the summer. I look up at Meadow and she is nearly crying. Without thinking I get up and pull her to me and as she lays her head on my chest I vow to myself to never hurt her again. As her head lays in my chest I feel her body start to shake and hear her sniffling. God, what did I do? I never wanna see her like this again. She pulls away from the hug and says she's gonna go get dressed. I waste no time and go upstairs and tell Shawn what happened and demand I help him get dressed. After Shawn forced me to pull his suit over his cast he went and knocked on Meadow's door with me right behind him.

Meadows pov
I am halfway dressed when I hear a knock at my door. I open my door my hair in a messy bun and a tank top still. To see my twin brother standing in a full suit grinning ear to ear when he sees me. I look behind him to see Conrad smiling at me. I looked at both the boys hugged Shawn and told him he was the best twin brother ever. Belly comes out of her room almost fully dressed and tells them to leave me alone so I can finish getting ready cause we have to leave in an hour.

45 minutes later

I decided to ride with Conrad Shawn, Jeremiah Belly, and Steven and the three moms went together. I don't say anything to Conrad I'm not gonna be the first to talk after how he has been acting towards me. 

Conrad's pov
I have been driving for about 6 minutes in complete silence I don't know what to tell her. How do I tell her my mom's sick and dying? It will break her if she finds out but maybe if I tell her I would feel better I would have someone to talk to about all the fucked up shit that has been happening. "Meadow" yes Conrad. My..... I get cut off by her phone ringing. She raises her finger to me telling me to hold on.

Meadows pov
I was mindlessly staring out my window when Conrad cleared his throat and said meadow. Then of all things, my phone starts to ring. I answer the phone and it's belly telling me they are already there and are waiting for me. Conrad and I left later as we went through the entire house and turned off all the lights everyone else left on. I told her we were almost there. I hung up the phone and asked Conrad what he was gonna say. But he looked at me and said he wasn't gonna say anything. I sigh and wish Belly hadn't called me. We get to the country club 4 mins later. Conrad rushes over opens my door and I get out. I smile up at him and tell him thank you. We start to walk toward the club when we see Jeremiah and belly kiss. When they pull apart Jeremiah looks at me and he looks disgusted with himself self he kissed me 2 days ago and now he's kissing Belly.  I walk straight past them and Conrad follows me. We start to walk past an empty room when Conrad pulls me in and asks what happened back there with Jere. Do you really wanna know Conrad? He nods his head. Ugh, fine Jere kissed me the other night when the girls stole our clothes. But now he's kissing Belly so I don't know.  He pulls me in for a hug. I pull away from him and tell him he's being weird today. He scoffs and walks away. I sigh I keep messing up everything today. I decided to go sit with my mom while we waited. They start to announce names so me and Shawn walk up to the stage.  When they call our name we can hear our entire table of family cheering. I look over and see Conrad smiling like actually smiling I've only seen him do that a couple of times the entire summer. I go sit down with Shawn as all the other boys get into the center of the room and start to dance to some music. But since Shawn had a cast the sat down with me at the table.  I laugh as I watch Jeremiah and Steven dance. Shawn is scarfing down shrimp like he's never had it before. Suddenly he gets up in a hurry and runs out of here my mother and Susannah following him. I look over to Conrad worried my brother is sick. Sure enough, some of the shrimp he ate was no good. They start to call us up to dance but Shawn is gone now and so I have no one to dance with or so I thought. I turn around and see Conrad Fisher walking towards me.  I smile as he grabs my hands and says he thinks he still remembers the steps. I look over at Belly who is now also missing a date.  I look around and see her dad coming to the rescue.  Conrad grabs hold of my hands again and we start to sway back and forth to the music. After the song was done we stood there thanking Conrad for stepping up and dancing with me when my brother got sick. When suddenly Jeremiah comes in and looks extremely upset. He pulls Conrad by his shoulder and says we need to talk. Conrad says yeah we will later but Jere says no we need to talk now it's about Mom. I look up at Conrad and he looks down at me.  Conrad looks at Jeremiah and says we can talk about it later Everything gonna be ok. Jeremiah scoffs and says you already know and you didn't tell me. Then Jeremiah punches Conrad and he falls to the flow with Jeremiah on him. Susannah comes up behind me and tells them to knock it off and get up. She asks them what's going on and Conrad says we know Mom we both know. Back at the house Susannah sat us all down and said her cancer was back. I look at Conrad and see him trying not to cry I grab his hand and squeeze it. He looks at me and nods his head. My mom and Laurel say we should give them some space so we all head our separate ways. I change out of my dress and head down to the beach to watch the sunrise. I'm sitting all alone on the beach when I hear some sand crunching and turn around to see Conrad walking towards me I get up and ask how he's doing. He says he's fine and that he's relieved you finally know. That's why youve been acting so weird all summer I say and he nods his head. "Well that and I have been thinking about you alot" no we can't do this you don't want me. " I do want you" I don't want you to want me I want you to need me. " I do need you" Conrad puts one hand on my face and his other around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss.

Second season coming soon it will stay under this book
I'm so proud of myself this chapter is 1542 words we are ranked 1 in Conradfisher that's absolutely insane I love all you that are reading thanks so much

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