Chapter 24: Upgrade

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I needed to train. I needed to get stronger. I need to protect them.

These thoughts swam in my head like a group of piranhas once I teleported from the house. I made a promise to save them, and I was going to make sure I kept it. The first place I decided to stop was Thailand. I needed to fully master Muay Thai, the right way.

As I arrive in Thailand I immediately search for a boxing gym. It didn't take long at all. I walk in and knew I was going to get strong fast.


Those are the sounds of strong kicks against pads, kicks from the God of Muay Thai himself. Buakaw Banchamek (look up his fights trust me). I walk up to them and observe.

Before long I was noticed by one of the trainers that were helping one of the other fighters. "Hello, how may I help you?" Said the man. "Im here to get as strong as him." I say pointing to the White Lotus. The man chuckled, "Of course, however that is years and years of training you have to catch up on." I didn't have that kind of time.

"Do you think Id be able to spar with him? Just to see where I am in terms of training?" I ask. "I don't see why not. BUAKAW come here!" He said and then yelled. Huh, that was easy. When Buakaw walked over to us he looked at me and already knew what it was we needed. "Hello young man, care to spar?" Buakaw said as he stepped in front of me. "It would be an honor sir." I state as I bow. "Please, drop the formalities just call me Buakaw." He said as we shook hands. "Y/N." I simply introduced myself.

We step into the ring shortly after and the sparring commenced. He immediately came in with a low kick but I blocked it by raising my shin, "Good." He states simply before coming in again. Right cross, left jab, left elbow, right knee, followed by a right elbow flew at me in rapid succession. I managed to dodge most of them and block the others. My turn. I throw a right jab but he dodged back and threw a kick to my face, I block with my arm and throw a right kick of my own, connecting with his left thigh. This goes on for hours before we stop and he tells me Im a natural.

(sorry Id like to get on with the story)

"Thanks old man. I learned a lot and I definitely feel way stronger." I said as I packed my stuff into a bag, this being a new set of gloves and leg pads along with Muay Thai shorts, all signed by Buakaw of course. "The pleasure was all ours Y/N, your a fast learner. You may even have surpassed me." Buakaw says as we exchanged a quick hug, the man quickly became a fatherly figure to me in the short time I was here, even letting me stay with him instead of letting me get a hotel.

"Please, I have very far to go before that happens." I chuckle. We then said our final goodbyes and I teleported to my next part of training once out of sight.


I finally reached the top of the gigantic mountain. I was up here to test the boundaries of my powers and to finally find out what the voice I hear is. "Umm. Hello? Mr. Voice?" I ask aloud, Id definitely look insane if anyone was nearby. "HELLO." It came. Just as I hoped it would. "Who are you and why are you in my head?" I ask. There was silence, then cackling, then full on laughter. It was unsettling, creepy even. "IT WOULD BE BETTER TO SHOW YOU." I hear, I didn't have time to be confused as I was suddenly surrounded by darkness.

"So you finally want to learn what you are?" I hear the voice behind me, as I turn my eyes widen. "What the fuck?" I yell. There, staring at me with a shit eating grin, was my dad in his human form. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HEAD?" I scream as I walk towards him, lightning dancing all around me as the shadows envelop me slowly. "Woah calm down now son." He says chuckling as he puts his hands up in mock surrender. "Calm down? CALM DOWN? YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?" I yell as I continue to get closer to the man, my voice bleeding with demonic energy at the end.

In Sanity (Fem CreepyPasta x OP Male Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें