Chapter 19: Escape from Hell

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I finally made it back to the mansion as I decided on walking instead of teleporting. As I walk through the door I notice how dark it is inside. Weird. I guess I was gone for a bit so they might have went to bed.

I shrug it off and go to the kitchen to get a late night snack. As I enter the kitchen I almost scream. "Fuckin hell Slenda, why are you sitting in the dark?" I say as I turn the light on. "Oh, sorry Y/N. I was waiting for you to get back." She says with a small blush.

I smile a little and tell her its alright. I start to make myself some chicky nuggies and fries as she says she needs a report of sorts on my mission. I nod and tell her, "It went good, no witnesses and no... shit." I say before realization hit me. "You left fingerprints didn't you?" She says with a little amused giggle. "Pfft, me? Leave fingerprints? Maybe." I say as I scratch my cheek in embarrassment.

She giggles again as she begins leaving. "Goodnight Y/N." She says before walking out. I say good night back before I finish making and eating my food. I make my way up stairs after eating to brush my teeth and go to sleep. As I walk up to my room I sigh in content as I see my oh so comfortable bed.

After finishing up in the bathroom I walk out to my room and lay down. Just as I was getting comfortable I hear a knock at my door. I groan as I get up and walk towards it. "Hello?" I ask as I open it only to see just about every girl at my door.

"C-can we sleep with you?" Asks Sally who was the one to knock. I look at the group and back to my bed. "As much as I would love for that to happen, my bed is too small." I say as I rub the back of my neck. "I can help with that." Says Slenda as she makes her way through the crowd.

She lifts her hand and I watch in amazement as I see my bed, sheets and blanket all extend and grow. "Huh," I say as I look on in shock, "well, lets go to bed then." I chuckle nervously before making my way to the bed. The girls all giggle before following me, however I quickly blush as I see the gurls change into their pajamas.

Pajamas meaning panties and a bra or just the panties. Nice. I chuckle nervously before moving a pillow between my legs, just in case. The girls giggle before taking their spots next to, and/or on top of me.

Surprisingly, nothing happened last night besides the usual movement closer to me. Okay, I get to go back to school again. (Lets just pretend its like Thursday😭 forgot the date in story.) As me and the girls make our way to the school we notice everyone is to busy whispering amongst themselves to notice us.

Well I guess thats a win. We make our way to first period and go about our day.


We made it to lunch faster than everyone else so we could get a good table. The best we could was the only table without scraps and trash on it. Which is dope.

As everyone starts piling into the cafeteria we begin our own conversation about whatever. We just enjoy each others company and our food, which is burgers today. "So Y/N what was it like?" Sally asks out of nowhere.

"What was what like?" I ask with genuine curiosity. "Your first kill, or, kills, silly." Says Lazari as she eats a fry. I make an 'o' shape with my mouth in realization.

"Oh, it was pretty fun actually." I say remembering the last kill, chuckling slightly. The girls nod and go back to their food. We eat for a little bit when all of a sudden we hear a group of people gasp. Confused, we turn to see and our eyes widen.

"Can anyone here point me in the direction of a Y/N L/N?" Asks the head officer as a group of cops with their guns drawn enter the cafeteria. Well fuck, they found me out. I chuckle and raise my hand.

"I can tell you where he is officer." I say with a smile. The girls stare at me with wide eyes. I shrug them off as the cops come over to us. "Hey there son, now I know it's hard tattling on your classmate but this is serious." I nod my head in understanding and pull out my phone.

I take a selfie and show it to the cop. "Y/N is right there officer." I say with a smug smile. The room goes silent besides the girls snickering beside me. "Well then Mr. L/N you are hereby under arrest for the murders of Chad Smith, Jaiden Farce, and Kyle Kyle." He says as all the cops point there guns at me.

"First of all, who names their son fucking Kyle Kyle? Like what the fu-" I start before the lead cop slams me on the table face first. "Don't you DARE make fun of my son like that." He says in anger. I chuckle.

"Second of all, it's about goddamn time you caught me. It's rude to keep people waiting you know." I say in a dark tone. The police visibly tense before officer Kyle puts me in hand cuffs and starts taking me to the squad car.

I get in before the officer starts driving me downtown. However, Officer Kyle makes one mistake. He drives by the forest. Aka, my escape route. I summon shadow tendrils and begin to strangle Kyle senior, or whatever his name is.

"Hey, whats your name Mr. Kyles Dad?" I ask after loosening the tendrils. "Oh sorry, the names Greg, nice to meet you Mr. L/N." He says as he reaches his hand back and i shake it. "Alright Greg, well I'm gonna go back to murdering you now." I say.

"Ok Y/N." He says before going back to driving. I smile before choking him with the shadows again. He turns the car off the road and crashes into a tree. I get out after checking if he's actually dead and run to the mansion.

"Y/N? Why aren't you at school?" Slenda asks as I burst through the door. "To make a long fuckin story short... they found my fingerprints." I say. She sighs and turns her head my way.

"You left your prints on purpose to get out of school after you got caught didn't you." She asks. "Uhhh, nooooo?" I say more as a question than my answer.

She sighs before asking how many cops are in the woods searching for me. I hold up 4 fingers and tell her 6. She sighs again and sends out Angel and Jess yo deal with them.

Sometime later Sally and Laz get back home and ask if they still have to go to school. Slenda sighs and says I guess not and they all live happily ever after.

But what are they gonna do tomorrow?

I know I know I updated but Im using my moms iPad to update for you all. Thanks for the continued support and sorry for the shorter chapter!

In Sanity (Fem CreepyPasta x OP Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now