Chapter 12: Field Trip

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Shit. I was in major trouble. Like, seriously in deep shit. "Oh Y/N~." I heard from outside the closet I was hiding in. "Come out to play~." Said a different voice. Shit, they're getting closer. "Surprise!" Shouted Alice as she swung open the door and prepared to swing her hammer at my face.

Stop, freeze frame. You see that guy right there? Yup, that's me. I bet your wondering how I ended up in this situation. Well, it all started 2 hours ago.


As I felt myself awaken from my slumber I attempt to stretch. As I yawn I feel my hand on something soft. Weird. I begin to move my hand but felt another soft thing. So I did the only rational main protagonist thing.

I squeezed.

But that was a bad idea considering what followed after that.

"Mmm~." I heard a moan. Shit. I open my eyes to see who it was and it was Benny. In nothing but a bra and panties. Shit. She stirred awake and saw my hand on her chest. "Oh, if you wanted a feel you could've just asked~." She said as she slowly made her way on top of me.

"So, what do we do now~?" She whispered in my ear. I quickly take my hand away only for her to pout. "Aww, that felt good." She then takes both my hands and places them on her *ahem* assets. I accidentally squeeze as I try to move out from under her causing her to let out a louder moan.

"Hey Y/N are you ok I heard moa-" I heard Jane say as she opened the door. Shit. "Girls come see this!" She yells out with a slight blush on her face. As all the other girls storm into my room they quickly grow blushes as well. Except for the youngest as they were playing with Zozo in the living room. "You are so dead." Says Benny as she kisses me on the cheek, making the others go a darker red.

"Haha it's not what it looks like, you see... ESCAPE!" I yell at the end as I launch out of my bed and disappear into a shadow in the corner of my room. I then reappear in what seems to be a closet.


"Surprise!" Shouted Alice as she swung open the door and prepared to swing her hammer at my face. I duck down and dodge the hammer just barely and disappear into her shadow that was stretched out in front of her due to the light illuminating behind her.

"Shit!" She screams as I then reappear in the gym in the dark corner I first learned how to use my powers. Ahh, memories. Anyways, now that I've escaped let me share a life lesson. Don't squeeze random soft objects. Or else a house full of killer girls will hunt you down.

"Oh hello there." I hear a voice from above me. I look up to see KageKao upside down on the ceiling. "Please Kage-Chan, think about this." I say in an attempt to compromise. "Ch-chan?" She asks with a slightly flustered tone. "Yeah, why is there a problem with that?" I ask smoothly. "N-no." She says while looking away.

This is good, I just have to distract her until I can make an escape. "Why do you where a mask?" I ask with genuine wonder. "I'm a demon so I don't exactly have an attractive face." She says while looking away again. "I call bullshit." I say bluntly. "W-what?" She asks with utter confusion.

"Sorry it's just that there's no way your ugly." I say nonchalantly again. "F-fine I'll prove it." She says as she then drops from the ceiling and lands in front of me. She lets out a sigh before removing her hood. I wait in anticipation with the reader. You're fixing that asshole. She slowly takes of her mask before looking me in the eyes.

"S-see I t-told you." She says before trying to put her mask back on. I grab her hand to stop her and she looks at me worried. "You're beautiful Kage-Chan. Just like I knew you'd be." I say with a smile. Her face flushes red and she slowly backs away. I chuckle as I slowly get closer. "Whats wrong?" I ask her as she just shakes her head.

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