Chapter 18: First Target(s)

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So. Last night happened. I keep having to remind myself that it was real and not a dream. Breakfast was pretty awkward to say the least. Me and Jess just... stared at each other, not saying a word. Looking away every now and then.

"Ok, Y/N. You get to go back to school today." Slenda says as she sits down and begins eating. I groan and slowly get up to go get ready to go. Stupid principle realizing I acted on self defense and only giving me a day suspension. 

As I make my way downstairs I see Sally and Lazari ready to go. I smile at them before I teleport us to the edge of the woods to make the walk shorter.

As we arrive at school we notice people staring at me and whispering to each other. "Huh, guess you made an impact." Sally giggles as she says this. I chuckle and nod my head in agreement. As we continue walking, we ignore the stares and whispers and head to class.

As I arrive to my class, I notice the other two are still with me. Did they switch classes? Meh, as long as they're with me. I take my seat in between Sally and Lazari and we prepare for the day. "Hey nerd, you're gonna pay for what you did to me." Says an all too familiar voice. We definitely didn't prepare for that. Wait, why is he even here? Then it hit me.

"Ohh that's right, spoiled rich kid." I say in mock happiness as I turn to look at the walking stereotype. He grits his teeth in anger before calming him self and turning his attention to the two girls beside me.

"Ladies, why do you hangout with a loser when you can have me." He says with a tone of pride. "We hangout with a loser? But last time we checked we were with Y/N, not you." They say in a fake questioning tone.

Everyone chuckles but stop as they see how mad Chad is. Not rad, this may turn out bad. (Bars.) Chad fumes in anger as he walks away muttering something about something. What? I'm not gonna listen to someone mumble, I watch enough My Hero Academia to have my fair share in that.


The lunch ladies here fuckin rock, they gave me a free cookie! Well, I stole it when they were looking but still. Anyway, as I'm having my very grown up meal that any 18 year old would, a PB&J sandwich, I hear snickering from behind me. Oh great, immature people.

I decide to ignore them until what happened next. I hear Sally and Lazari squeal next to me at the same time I feel a cold liquid get poured on my head. "Now I don't care what happens to me, but the second you even thought of touching these two fine specimen I call Sally and Lazari was when you fucked up." I say calmly as I slowly stood up.

I look to the girls and see that their shirts were slowly becoming see through so I take off my sweatshirt and give it to Sally and then my long sleeve that I was wearing under it handing it to Lazari.

I hear a collective groan of annoyance from the male populace in the lunch room and give them all death glares. "This isn't over." I say to Chad as I begin to walk the girls out of the room.


After making it through the day with a pink unicorn shirt I found in the lost and found, and before you ask, yes, there were other shirts. No I don't regret my choice, we head home and I immediately storm into Slendas office. "What can I do for you Y/N." She asks as I open the door.

"Me." I state simply before t-

Take 2.

"I'd like to make a request." I say still a little angry with what happened at lunch. I think she knows I'm mad about something. "I do, remember?" She says in a giggly tone. I make an 'O' with my mouth in realization. I chuckle with her before turning serious.

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