Chapter 14: Reminiscing

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As I slowly wake up from my slumber I notice that I was the only one in bed. Weird. Until I smell food. "Oh no the fuck she didn't!" I yell as I teleport into the kitchen where I see Slenda cooking breakfast.

"Good Morning Y/N." Slenda says as I appear right next to her. "What are you doing?" I ask in a fake happy tone as I walk right up to her. "Making breakfast for everyone." She says matter of factly. I nod my head and wait for her to realize what she has done. As if on queue she stops cooking.

"Shit." She whispers before slowly backing away from the food. I simply smile, "It's fine, it was my fault for sleeping in anyways. I WILL make breakfast tomorrow though." I say in a happy then dangerous tone.

I hear her gulp before nodding and going back to making the food. I chuckle and walk into the living room area where everyone is hanging out and talking. "I know right? He's so ho-" I hear Benny say to Vailly. She stopped mid sentence when I walked in though. Weird.

"Y/N!" I hear two voices behind me yell. I turn around and look down to see the youngest of the house, Sally and Lazari. "Whats up?" I ask as I kneel down to pat their heads. They giggle before answering, "We wanna play with Zozo!" They say. I laugh a little before summoning him behind the girls. Through a mind link I set up with the shadow demon, I tell him to spook them a bit.

Oh how that went downhill for him. As he was sneaking up behind them, ready to pounce, Lazari suddenly turns around and embraces him in a bone crushing hug. He is so lucky he's made out of shadow. The girls thank me and run off laughing with a dazed Flayer in Lazari's arms.

I wipe a small tear from my cheek and wish him luck. "So, what are we watching?" I ask as I sit on the couch in between Benny and Vailly. "Joker." Everyone says at once. Luckily for me the previews just ended and the movie was beginning.


"Damn." I said. The movie was fucking awesome. "Breakfast!" We hear Slenda yell from the kitchen. I simply teleport through my shadow and sit down once I'm in the kitchen. Suddenly, the ground begins to shake. Confused, I look at Slenda who is shaking her head with a sigh. I then understand and look at the door to the dining room.

It suddenly bursts open as Benny, Vailly, Jess, and Alice all burst through. "I got here first so I get to sit by Y/N!" They all yell. They then stare at each other in fury. "Um girls?" I say nervously as to not make them even more angry. "Yes Y/N?" They turn and say with angelic like voices and smiles.

Only for their faces to fault when they see that the spots beside me have been taken by the 2 youngest. "Too slow!" Giggle Lazari and Sally with a tired Zozo in Sally's arms. "Ok Zozo, time for a nap so you can get your energy back for later." I say as I send him to the Shadow Realm as I like to call it.

We then begin eating our food and thanking Slenda. Shortly after we all finish and go back to the living room. We all sit and watch movies until we decide to go swimming again. I went into the master bedroom to change so I could get ready. After putting my shorts on I walk down to the beach to see everyone already there.

"Yo." I say as I walk up behind all the girls. They all turn and wave to me saying their hellos. "You all ready to swim? We were just waiting on Y/N." Says Ann as everyone nods their heads. I nod as well and begin to walk into the water with everyone. "Wait, your shirt Y/N!" Yells Lulu. I look down and sure enough my shirt is still on.

"Thanks Lulu." I say with a smile and begin taking my shirt off but not before looking at the other girls. Their faces were laced with a hint of what looked like anticipation. Weird. I shake it off and take my shirt off fully. "Oh my fuck he's ripped too." Yells Vailly, who, like most of the others, looked ready to faint and had a bloody nose. I just chuckle and look down at my self. 8 pack abs, defined biceps, and a toned chest. "Yea, being in prison with nothing to do but work out pays off." I chuckle.

"Why were you in prison?" Asks Zaliga. My face drops as I remember the incident. "I'll tell you all tonight, for now lets have fun!" I yell as I teleport into the water and begin splashing. "Hey, lets play Marco Polo." I say as I swim up to the group of girls. They all agree and we then decide that Candy is gonna be it. We all swim away from her as we start playing. After a couple of minutes she somehow got me while I was swimming.

I close my eyes and we begin. "Marco." I say swimming. "Polo!" I hear a multitude of voices shout. Shit, I hate this game sometimes. I swim in the direction of the nearest voice and attempt to tag them. Shit, not again. I open my eyes and surely enough my hand is on Benny's boob. "Oh Y/N, you must really like these huh~?" She says in a flirtatious voice. I just gulp before swimming away fast.

Benny just shrugged it off and we continued playing. Shortly after this all happened I teleport out of the water to where Slenda and Zaliga are laying on beach towels talking. "I hope you two are getting along." I say in a joking manner. They giggle before Zaliga answers, "Oh yes we are, we both put aside our differences and set a goal for the both of us to go after together." She says. "Oh, and what is this 'goal' you speak of?" I ask genuinely confused.

"You." They say simultaneously. I blush slightly while standing there, shook. I cough awkwardly after a bit and tell them that I'm going to go make lunch. They giggle and wave goodbye before going back to talking.


I finally finished making lunch for everyone and called them in to eat. We all sat and had a good time before deciding to go into the living room and watch movies. I, of course, ended up being cuddled, somehow, by literally everyone on a tiny couch. Needless to say it didn't last long due to oxygen being a necessity to living.

After a couple of movies me and Slenda played Rock Paper Scissors to who was making dinner. Let's just say that she cheated by using her tentacles. Bullshit. However we all sat and ate in a calm matter before a fight started between Jess and Jane about, you guessed it, who I liked more. It was a long grueling process to pull them apart.

After dinner we all sat in the living room and talked for a while. Until a question popped up that I wish hadn't. "So Y/N," started Helen, "why WERE you in prison?" She asks. My face faults for a second before smiling a sad smile.

"Well, when I was fifteen, I awoke my dormant powers in front of my parents and was locked away for three years." I say, not telling the whole truth. "Y/N, please tell us the whole story. Please." Said Slenda as I assume she read my mind. Everyone looked over to me as my smile faded away. I nod slowly before shifting in my seat.

The girls took the hint and sat on the opposite couch. "As I said before, my powers were awoken when I was fifteen. However, it wasn't on the best of terms." I then tell them all about my brother, how he was killed, my anger, and then my parents acting in fear. As I finish my story I wipe the tears that started running halfway through. "And now here I am." I say with a sniffle.

The girls all moved to hug me as I except it. That is until a hand moves up my thigh. "Vailly, not the time." I chuckle. "Sorry." She giggles as I feel the hand move away. As they sat back down on their couch another question was asked. "What about your mommy and daddy? Where are they?" Asks Sally with a little tear on her face. "They aren't around anymore sweetheart." I say with a sad smile.

She nods before Lazari adds on, "Where are they?" She asks. "They-" I start before getting interrupted, "They're dead Laz, I killed them." Says Jess, her voice giving out with regret as a tear was shed. "You fucking what?!" Scream the other girls as they got up and crowded her. "Hey, she apologized and I already forgave her. Please calm down." I say as I stood up and planted myself in front of Jess.

They all nod and step away after giving Jess dirty glares. "Y/N you didn't have to-" started Jess only for me to stop her, "Stop blaming yourself, it's fine. I don't care anymore." I say with a smile before planting a kiss on her cheek. She flushes red and says a quiet thank you.

"Ok guys I'm tired, who's ready for bed." I ask with a yawn. All the hands in the room raise as I chuckle. After putting the kids to bed and laying down, all the girls laid down beside me in bed as I began to doze off. All that crying tired me out I guess.

Hello! I am back. Finally am I right? However I do have some news, both good and bad. Good: I will try to update this story more often!! Bad: This story is slowly coming to an end, however I do have another story already planned out. Thank you all for the continued support and see you next time!

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