Chapter 2: Freedom

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AGE 18

Finally. Today is the day that I get released from prison and also those long boring therapy sessions. I would have been out a year ago but I killed the guard who took my picture when I first got here. The way he took it makes me look crazy and I am NOT crazy.

I wasn't going to kill him at first, but then the voice in my head told me to because the guard disrespected us. Though the white and black jumpsuit they gave me looks cool, and to this day I have no clue why. Probably because it fits my personality so well.

Anyways, lets snap back to reality. (Yes this was on purpose... your welcome Eminem fans.) As I was hanging from the top set of bars doing some sit-ups, I heard the soft jingle of keys in the distance, informing me the guards were on their way to escort me out. When they stepped up to my cell I saw that my favorite guard was the one letting me out, "God damnit, get the fuck down Y/N!" Yelled Kate. And yes, HE is a dude.

I tilt backwards in my spot doing a backflip and landed on the floor in front of the cell door, and look him in the eyes. "Aww, whats wrong Katie you worried I might fall and get a boo boo?" I snicker and the other guards let out a chuckle. Kate looked back at them with a glare and they straightened themselves up.

"Shut up and put these on so I can finally get rid of your annoying ass," he said as he tossed hand cuffs at me. I cringed "Please don't mention my ass and throw hand cuffs at me, it makes you look and sound like some kinky bastard." I say, after that statement the other two guards and a few inmates in the main area of the floor are on the floor holding their stomachs in laughter.

I was laughing myself until Kate's arm shot through the metal bars and pulled me closer to him as he glared at me, "If you know whats good for you you'll keep your mouth shut and put those damn cuffs on, boy!" He screamed in my face.

I wiped his spit off my nose, cheek, and upper lip and made my eyes glow white with anger, I've learned to control them over the years, as I walked even closer and stared at him, "And if you knew what was good for YOU, I'd suggest you get your fucking hand off me, sir." Adding venom to my voice with the last word.

He looked on in fear and quickly let go while taking a step back along with the two other guards with him. He let out a nervous cough and so I finally gave in and put the hand cuffs on and waited for him to let me out. As he did I smile politely and thanked him to which he gave me a slight nod and we started walking towards the office, him in the front, me in the middle, and the two others in the back.

When we finally made it to the wardens office, he was in his leather chair pouring a cup of what I can only assume was alcohol. Kate knocked on the door even though it was open and the warden, without looking up, let us in. "Please, have a seat Mr. L/N." He said in his gravelly voice that annoyed the absolute shit out of me. I nod my head and take the seat in front of him.

"Want a drink? It's bourbon." He asked me whilst pulling out another cup, "No thank you Mr. Greenwald, I'm still underaged." I reply with a slight, genuine, smirk. He stared at me me for a few seconds before letting out a chuckle. "Good man." He said putting the cup away, until Kate spoke "I'll take a dri-" "Shut it Kate." Said Greenwald. I burst into laughter as did the other guards while Kate just looked down in shame.

Greenwald looked at me with a smile on his face, although he ran the place that kept me from the outside world for 3 years, I did like his sense of humor, which was picking on Kate. "Now Mr. L/N, may I call you Y/N?" He asked, I nod, "Well Y/N call me Adam, any who, I see here that today is the day you are to be released. How exciting." He said skimming the inside of a folder, which I assume is my file.

"Yep, after 3 years of this filthy place, no offense, I finally get to breathe some fresh air" I say with a smile, "Non taken, and yes, you will be able to see all those dear to you in no time." Said Adam with a smile of his own. "About god damn time." Whispered Kate, "What was that princess?" Asked Adam. Kate just looked down again "Nothing sir, sorry sir." I couldn't help but snicker a bit, it was just too damn funny.

"Anyways, looks like you are all set Y/N, these two fine gentleman will show you to your belongings and then take you to the bus that will get you the hell out of here! In the mean time, Kate and I will have a little chat" Said Adam while glaring at Kate.

I nod then get up to leave, but before I do I hear Adam, "Good luck out there kid, and have fun, but not TOO much fun. I don't want to see you back here anytime soon, you hear me?" He said with a genuine smile. I look back and smile back with a nod and turn back to walk out.

But before I leave, to add on to my great exit, I give Kate a peck on the cheek and say "Bye bye, Princess Katie." And laugh as I walk out not before hearing Adam burst into a fit of laughter as Kate growls in anger. I walk out with the two guards who are chuckling as well. When we finally get to the area where they hold my belongings I slip into a bathroom to change into my outfit that my mother had sent a week before after I wrote a letter asking for some knew clothes.

I grinned at the sight. My entire outfit was on point and fit perfectly, I'll have to give my mom a big hug and thank her when I get home. But for now I have a LONG ride ahead of me. So I lay my head on my window as I take my seat on the bus after I got on and drifted off to sleep.

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