Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Hey! The names Y/N L/N, or was anyway, that's not the point though. You clicked on this story to hear about my current situation and shit right? Well, like any good story there is a backstory. So, here's mine...

AGE 12

"SCREW YOU CHARLIE!" I screamed at my little brother as I stood there drenched, Charlie had just soaked me with his water gun and ran away as fast as he could while laughing. But I was faster, so by the time he turned and looked I was hot on his trail.

His eyes went wide before stumbling a bit and regaining his balance as he sped up some more. I laughed as he attempted to escape, I continued to follow in his tracks and just as I was about to reach him I fell to the ground experiencing the worst possible headache.

Time slowed down and suddenly stopped, then a faint voice started chanting "kill, kill, kill." I looked around confused as to where the voice was coming from. I closed my eyes then screamed at it "Where are you!?" But there was no answer and the chanting had stopped.

I could then make out the voice of Charlie screaming for our mother to come help, I opened my eyes to see that everything was normal now and just as I saw my mother, M/N, and father, Thomas, get close to me I smiled then passed out from the immense amount of pain still coursing through my head.

When I woke up my head was still pounding, mostly due to the bright lights above me and it wasn't until I looked around that I noticed I was in a hospital bed. I couldn't lie, besides knowing the circumstance of my being here, I was scared shitless of what had happened to me.

I slowly started getting up until a doctor walked in and said "Whoa there kiddo slow down, just take it easy ok?" I nodded my head which slightly hurt but I ignored it as I'm sure it was nothing. "I'm Dr. Lucio, I'm going to ask you two very simple questions and you just answer as best as you can okay?" He asks as I nod.

"Good. Ok to start off, whats your name, and what do you like to do?" says Dr. Lucio, "I-I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N. I like to read CreepyPastas. Play video games and play with my little brother, Charlie" I stated smiling. Dr. Lucio smiled and continued "Good, you don't have amnesia, although you did suffer a slight concussion." I sighed in relief, "However. There was no evidence of an outside cause of this, it seems the damage was caused... internally?"

I looked confused and so did the doctor. Just then my mother walked in with Charlie, both of them with tear stained faces showing they had both been crying.

They looked at me and after a second they both had me in their arms asking how I was and if I was ok, I stopped them with a single hand and said "I'm fine guys, so stop worrying ok."

They looked at me as if I was crazy and then my mother asked "How could we not worry, you just collapsed!" I looked at them both and smiled "Guys, I'm fine, really." They looked at me and smiled relieved "Mrs. L/N, his release forms are ready when you are." My Mom nodded and walked out to sign the papers.

I waited patiently, conversing with Charlie about random stuff for what seemed like hours. But was only a few minutes until she walked back in and said "Ok boys, time to go home!" I sat up ready to go, after a while we walked out never looking back again.

AGE 15

I woke up to the sound of floor boards creaking outside my bedroom door, I was a little freaked out so I stayed in bed for a little bit. That is until I heard a door being smashed open and my brother scream. I jumped out of bed immediately and rushed to Charlie's room to see a man with a knife getting closer to him slowly at first but then sped up as he heard me come in "Y/N, HELP!" Screamed Charlie, and that's the last I heard from my little brother. Ever. Again.

As I sat there staring, crying, I got a massive headache. Then the screaming and yelling came full force. "KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL!" At that moment time stopped and my eyes started burning so I ran to the mirror, my eyes started glowing white with black scleras from obvious paranormal reasons.

I smile, a crazed smile as horns slowly grew from my head. I moved quickly back to the man with the knife still smiling. The man looked confused and horrified but charged me as fast as he could.

The headache suddenly came back, I wince as I hear a low malicious voice yell "MOVE!" I did as I was told and dodged the knife, I grabbed the knife flicked it out of the mans hand and turned it back into the mans throat. As the man lay there slowly dying, choking on his own blood, all I could do was break down into a slow laugh.

My parents burst into the room and stare in complete terror at what they saw before them. My mom looked from me to Charlie, then back to me. She broke down crying, as did my father. They just stared and stared before I got up to hug my broken parents, "M-Mom...Dad. I tr-tried to save h-him," I say looking back at my brother, him staring back at me with vacant, lifeless eyes.

I begin to tear up again, suddenly I hear my mothers voice. "Hello...Police?" I jerk my head back and rush to my mother, "N-No, mom, stop I didn't do anyth-" I was stopped by my fathers shotgun barrel between my eyes. "D-d-dad?" I ask, "No more Y/N, no more." He said between sobs as he slowly dropped the gun. Soon after the police had shown up, they took me away to jail.

"M-Mom please, tell them I didn't do anything wrong!" I screamed while the cops took me to the car. My mother stepped up, clearing her throat. I had a glimpse of hope before it faded quickly.

My mother stood there silent before saying the last five words I would hear her say to me in a while. "Goodbye Y/N, I love You." My eyes went wide and tears began falling down my face. "N-No. No. NO. NOO!" I screamed before getting shoved into a police cruiser. As I turned to the back window to see my parents for the last time, I see my father waving sadly with my mother in his arms.

I smile a sad smile and turn back around, but just before I do something catches my eye. I whip my head back around to see a tall woman just beyond my house in the woods, "What the fuck!?" I whisper to myself and turn back to face forward. She looked familiar, I just couldn't pin point exactly why she did. But that was the least of my worries as I was headed to jail for getting revenge on the man that killed my brother.

Hey Readers! If there is any. This is my first book so PLEASE don't Judge it so quickly. If you have any questions feel free to comment some and I will make sure to answer them when I can which is often. See you next time! P.S. updates may be slow.

In Sanity (Fem CreepyPasta x OP Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora