Chapter 13: Unexpected Guests

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"Y/N, this is my sister," Slenda starts, "Zaliga." Now I was confused. If this is her sister why is she so angry? "Because Y/N, she is evil and not supposed to be here." Slenda says

"Are you still on about that?" Asked Zaliga with a deadpan look. "Yes! He was my boyfriend and you stole him!" Slenda screamed at her. Everyone burst into laughter. "How long are you gonna hate me for that? It was two hundred years ago get over it." Zaliga said in between giggles.

Slenda looked even angrier before huffing in defeat. "What are you doing here Zaliga?" She asks. "Simply enjoying the beach with my proxies. What are you doing here?" Replies Zaliga with a smug look. "Same as you I suppose." Slenda replies. "You wanna join us?" Asks a girl with long black hair wearing a red dress. With stitches.

"Scarecrow I don't think Slenda would approve of that." Says a girl with blue hair and a jester outfit. "Aww but Candy, I wanna get to know them. Especially the boy." Says another girl with medium length dark hair wearing a black and white striped shirt.

"Vailly, it's all up to Slenda whether we can stay or have to leave." Zaliga says before they all glance at Slenda. "Fine, I guess we can share." Slenda says glumly. All the girls cheer and gather around to talk. Slenda and Zaliga started a conversation together as well.

When I look over to the group of girls I can see them all glance at me once in a while. Weird. I suddenly feel a tug on my shirt and look down to see Sally and Lazari looking up at me. "Y/N can you swim with us please?" Asks Sally. I smile and nod my head, "Of course." They smile and pull me towards the beach.

I didn't even get a chance to take my shirt off before I get tugged into the water. I hear Lazari laugh along with Sally and begin laughing with them. "Aww he's good with kids." I hear someone yell behind me. I just laugh and continue swimming.

After about 5 minutes I heard splashes behind me. I turn around to see that the other girls joined us. They make their way over to where we are. "Y/N, Sally, Lazari! Slenda wants to know what you want for dinner." Says Jackie as her and the others swim up next to us. "Oh that reminds me. I'll be right back ladies." I say as I teleport from my shadow to Slenda's.

"Im making dinner." I say as I pop up. Slenda and Zaliga both jump in surprise. "Fucking aye Y/N you scared me." Zaliga says. I chuckle and look over to Slenda. "Nope," she starts, "I'm making dinner." She says while crossing her arms. "I don't think you understood me," I say as I make my eyes go white and my horns grow slowly, "I'm. Making. Dinner." I say with a deadly tone. She gulps and nods her head.

I smile and nod after receding my horns and making my eyes normal. "Is it just me or did he just get like ten times hotter." Zaliga whispers to Slenda in her ear. "He totally got hotter." Slenda replies. I chuckle and walk towards the house to make dinner.


"Dinners ready!" I yell from one of the porches of the giant house. I hear the girls yell and cheer from the beach and chuckle slightly. Not even a minute later the door bursts open and in stomps all 22 girls. "Looks great Y/N." Says Ann as she walks into the dining area.

"Thanks Ann. Wait Ann when did you get here." I ask as I turn towards her. "Oh, the author forgot I was in this story and put me here." She says matter of factly. "What?" I ask. "What?" She questions. "Anyways, dinners ready." I say before walking to the kitchen with her in tow.

I basically made a buffet with the amount of food thats taking up the table. Each person grabs their own plate and begins choosing their dishes. "Oh, Jackie your plate is right there." I say as I point to a rather large plate of kidneys, all cooked and seasoned differently. She thanks me and sits with everyone else.

"He can cook too?" Asks a quantity of the girls. I snicker and nod my head yes. "I call dibs." Called out a voice in the back of the room. Everyone turns to the person and sees that its Vailly. "What? I didn't hear anyone else call him so I did." She says bluntly before eating.

Everyone stares shocked and then looked to me. I was confused until the very next moment. It seemed like it happened in slow motion. "Get him." Yelled a few of the girls. I ran as fast as I could (in human form at least) and dipped the fuck out of there.

I found a shadow shortly after my departure from the others and jumped in. "No fair, your the only one that can do that. Get your ass out here now." Screams Clockwork. I chuckle. "This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed... bitch." I scream at her. I hear the others laugh and laugh as well. (If you don't get it, look it up.)

Well it looks like I'll be here for a while. Nah, lets make this fun. I demonize and jump out of my shadow. "First person to catch me gets to sleep with me tonight." I shout as I run away. Once I get to the ocean I jump in and go to the very bottom.

After about 20 minutes, I guess being in demon form allows me to hold my breath longer, I jump out of the water and run around the house. After another 5 minutes I hear a voice behind me. "Girls he's over here." Screams the voice.

I look behind me and see... ALL OF THEM. Well, not all of them considering the young ones stayed behind to eat. But still. Nope nope nope soo much nope. I run faster and don't look back. I suddenly hear the screaming stop and turn back around. Nothing. Weird. I hear static in front of me and look back forward. All the girls pop out of thin air and tackle me.

"Looks like we all win." Says Slenda, who I'm guessing teleported them all in front of me. I chuckle slightly. "Looks like it." I reply with a snicker. They all giggle and get off me. "Lets go back to eating." Says Jackie as she starts walking back to the dining room.

We all follow suit and head back to our seats. After about an hour, all the food was gone and Slenda, after a lot of her convincing me to let her, was doing the dishes. Everyone else was in the living room watching TV. I was in the biggest room getting ready because there was gonna be 21 people in one bed.

The bed itself looked big enough to fit us all but I don't want to take a chance in anything bad happening. So I made a place for each girl to sleep so we can all fit comfortably. As the time grew nearer the older girls went into a separate room to get changed. After putting the 2 younger ones to bed I head into my room.

Holy shit, I walk in to see that all 20 girls had only bras and panties on. Fuck. "Alright y-you girls r-ready?" I ask with a slight blush as I go to lay down. They all nod and follow my actions. The arrangement was off but was still comfortable.

Tami on my chest, Slenda and Zaliga to my right each fighting to hold on to me. Jess to my left holding my arm between her breasts. Vailly placed a pillow between my legs and laid her head way to close to my, um, area. Angel held on to my right leg with Jill, my left leg was taken by Clockwork and Candy.

The other girls spread around the bed still making contact with me. This is going to be a long night. I try to go to sleep but feel Vailly move once in a while and get closer to my, well, spot. A very long night.

I know I know I'm sorry this took way too long. I've been stressed because school is starting soon and... yeah just shit in general.

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