Chapter 11

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Melody's p.o.v

My jaw was resting on the ground as I took in the scene in front of me. I squealed excitedly causing them to jump apart.

"Since when are you gay?!" I cried out laughing. He smiled.

"After our fast paced, passion filled, extremely heated summer, I met this guy. We were friends for a while but bada bing bada boom, he made me realize I was into him romantically and now we're two peas in a pod. Mates actually." He said linking his hand with the boys own. I smiled.

"I'm happy for you. What's his name?" I asked looking at the boy.

"Tyler. My name's Tyler." He introduced himself. I smiled.

"Well, we should get going, yes?" I suggested. I took Xavier's hand and lead us the way Ashton went. He squeezed my hand.

"You'll make a great Luna someday." Hes said staring at me with admiration in his eyes. I simply smiled, not understanding the gravity of what a Luna truly was.

When we got to the 'mess hall' I found it wasn't a mess hall at all. More like a banquet hall. Huge and elegant. There was one long table. Extremely long. Two seat on one end, at least eighty seats on either side and another two on the other end.

There was name cards at each seat. I looked at the two on the end the words being Alpha and Luna. I motioned to it and Xavier shook his head. He dragged me all the way to the other end causing me to whine several times. He smiled and pulled out my chair seating me at the very end where there was another two seats. The name card read Luna to be.. right next to the name card that read Alpha to be.. I smiled. I was proud of Xavier.

"I'm proud of you." I said quietly as I took his hand under the table. He looked at me in surprise as if not expecting me to speak let alone say something of the sorts. He didn't speak. He simply gave me a private smile and squeezed just above my knee.

I smiled at the sentiment. I sat still watching the many people pile in.

"Will I have to say anything?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Should you agree to be Luna." He said awkwardly. My stare burned holes in the side of his head. He turned to me awkwardly and coughed.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. I scoffed.

"Do you not want me to be Luna?" I asked a bit too loudly causing the table to go quiet. I didn't falter but he did. He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"That's not what I meant." He said warily. I raised an eyebrow.

"Then what did you mean?" I asked offhandedly. He grabbed my hand as I made to get up.

"Stop, I just meant that you never really tell me what you want and if you don't want this then so be it." He said sincerely. I stared him in his eyes before nodding.

"Well she certainly handles you as a true Luna would." A booming voice said with a hearty voice. I turned to see a...very attractive older man.

"Whoa." I mumbled. Xavier glared at me before smiling at the man.

"Hello father." He said giving me a pointed look. My mouth gave an 'o' shape before I laughed and held out my hand.

"Nice to finally meet you sir. Your wife is just a dill." I said sincerely. He took my hand and kissed the back of it lightly. I blushed lightly smiling.

"I would ask what a dill was if Xavier here hadn't gone on about you endlessly and told me all about your unique vocabulary." He replied. I smiled fondly at Xavier.

Bad Boys Finish FirstDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora