Chapter 7

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"Oh screw you." I spat walking out the door. I hopped into my car before speeding off back to my house. I bet your wondering what happened. Well, lets catch you up. It's been a glorious and amazing 3 months with Xavier. Perfect actually. But today, oh today. Today, shit hit the fan. Over something stupid honestly. It started out innocent honestly. We were joking around and somehow Landon popped up in the conversation. At first we were joking about the fight they had. I don't remember exactly what I said but it was something along the lines of not being able to believe he ruined such a pretty face. I was joking of course but he got upset anyways.

He then went on to say in spite that he had kept me from ruining Kaitlyn's pretty face plenty of times. I snapped at that point. After that it was just a whole lot of pointless arguing and saying things we didn't mean. But now it's done with. We hadn't broken up but we'd surely woken neighbours with our loud pointless arguing. Right now I was just ready to cry. I was suffering from aftermath syndrome. I turned on the radio but immediately turned it off when I heard the song that was playing. It was Prettiest Girl by Tamar Braxton. A tear fell from my eye and as I pulled into my driveway the waterfall started.

I sobbed for a while before getting out. I wiped my face before unlocking the door and walking in. I was met with Laken and Justin lounging on the couch with Jay, Sam, and Emrock. They looked up in shock. I wasn't supposed to come back tonight.

"Hey what are you doing back?" Sam asked confused. I let out a choked sob before running up the steps sobbing and running into my room slamming the door. I hid my face into my pillow and sobbed loudly. I shouldn't of made that stupid joke. I know Xavier hates him and the fact that we ever dated. I pushed too far. A knock sounded on my door.

"Go away." I croaked. The door opened and I pulled the blanket over my face. Suddenly a small body was under the blanket with me stroking my hair. I sobbed into their chest.

"Shh. It's okay." They said. It was Laken. I sobbed even louder.

"I'm such a screw up." I sobbed. He squeezed me tightly.

"No you're not. What happened?" He whispered. I sobbed and relayed the story to him. He was quiet for a while.

"You'll work it out. Trust me. Justin and I have fought far more violently. I mean when I get pissed I throw shit, I take off my ring..." He trailed off smiling slightly.

"But it's my little flaws like that that keep us in love." He shrugged. I nodded and ended up falling asleep with silent tears falling down my face.

I woke up to a soft humming and hands running through my hair. I groaned as I peeled open my eyes that were glued together with dried tears.

"Good morning." Laken beamed. I smiled. He stayed with me.

"Morning." I whispered.

"You hungry?" He asked. I nodded.

"Good. Jay just came in and said breakfast is ready. Justin cooked." He said smiling. I got up, stripped from my jeans and t-shirt, and swapped it for basketball shorts and a tank top. I walked downstairs slowly and caught sight on myself in the mirror. I looked wrecked.

My eyes were red and puffy and I had tear stains. Wow. I cried that much?

"People say I'm the life of the party cause I tell a joke or two. Although I might be laughin out loud, in heartache, deep inside I'm blue. So take a good look at my face. You'll see the smile looks out of place. If you look closer its easy to trace, the tracks of my tears." I sang quietly.

"Ah shit. She's already reciting Motown love songs. Someone's in deep." Laken chuckled making me actually giggle. We entered the kitchen and I sat at the island with boys.

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