Chapter 20

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2 months later...

I'm so hot it's unreal. I've kicked off the cover atleast 12 times already. This is getting ridiculous. I finally growled and got up in anger. I shook with rage as I paced my room. Alex is being an absolute dick. He's gotten it ingrained in his head that I'm cheating on him. I mean seriously?!? I'm seven months pregnant!

In all honesty, I smell like another guy all the time because my Lamaze teacher is a man. He's my partner since Alex won't go. I asked Alex to go with me but he refused on account of being freaked out by the whole 12 women faking labor procedures. He's absolutely ridiculous. I paused in my thoughts and an evil smirk came across my face.

Now, in Lamaze class you practice breathing exercises. They're really loud and annoying. But recently my instructer said that in the moment all you're going to do is moan and groan. So he's trying to show us the difference between a healthy groan and a painful groan. I think it's the stupidest shit ever.

A groan is a groan. But he insisted. Anyways though, this plays into my plan. I lifted my phone and scrolled through my contacts.

Jesse - Lamaze 🚼

I clicked his name and typed out the message.

To: Jesse - Lamaze 🚼 11:07 a.m
Hey Jess! Could u do me a solid? Can't make it 2 class this afternoon so will u swing by my place and do a 1 on 1 w/ me?

From: Jesse - Lamaze 🚼 11:15 a.m
Sure Mel! Just text me the address! What time were u thinking? I'm free until 10 p.

To: Jesse - Lamaze 🚼 11:17 a.m
How about 6? So I don't take up ur whole nite. I can make u sumthin 2 eat if u want? Class will only be about an hour right?

From: Jesse - Lamaze 🚼 11:21 a.m
Sounds like a plan. And food sounds good. But jsyk it'll be as friends. Idk who's in ur life rn but I'm gonna assume the father??

To: Jesse - Lamaze 🚼 11:27 a.m
Of course! Omg no I hope I didn't sound like I was flirting?? I just figured since we've been partners for 2 months now we were chill like that now??? Srry man...

From: Jesse - Lamaze 🚼 11:30 a.m
No no Mel! We are chill like that! I just had to make sure. Bc I'm seeing someone so I needed u to know.

To: Jesse - Lamaze 🚼 11:32 a.m
Oh ok good. Let her know where u will be kk?? So she won't flip. She can come 2 if she wants. Btw spaghetti or fish dinner?

From: Jesse - Lamaze 🚼 11:33 a.m
Fish sounds good. I'll see you later Mel!

To: Jesse - Lamaze 🚼 11:34 a.m
See u then

I smiled softly. Jesse was so sweet. I rubbed a hand over my large belly and smiled at the light movement. This Friday were going to find out the gender. We've been winging it so I haven't had an ultrasound at all. My doctor was slightly annoyed at that but he'd be alright. I can't believe I'm seven months along already. My stomach is huge.

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