Chapter 4

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After an hour I was ready to go and meet Laken. I had it all planned out. I'll bring an overnight bag for Xavier's house and after we shop I'll go to Laken's house and get ready and Xavier will pick me up from there.

I dyed my hair completely magenta. Something new. I had it in an elegant but sloppy bun on the top of my head. My phone rang and I quickly answered it.

"I'm here. Come on." Laken said before hanging up. I moved my dressers and silenty left my room locking the door. I peeked down the steps and realized Marcus himself was sat in front of the TV. I dialed Laken.

"Be ready to speed off. Meet me out in front of the house. Marcus is downstairs. All I can do is run." I said nervously. It was quiet on the other line.

"I'm out front now. Girl you better run fast." He said giggling. I sighed and crept down the steps. I crept towards the door backwards before Marcus finally turned around.

"Where are you going?" He snapped standing up. I yelped and threw open the door and took off running. Laken's hood to his jacket was up and the door was open for me. I hopped in and slammed the door as Marcus reached the car.

"Get out now!" He shouted. Laken revved the engine before peeling out. My phone rang and I knew it was Marcus but I answered anyways.

"I'll be back." I said bluntly.

"You get your ass home now or I'll come after you." He seethed.

"Do it." I snapped hanging up.

"Detour us. He's coming after me." I said quietly. Laken silently followed my instructions.


At the mall we had to keep avoiding Marcus who showed up. Finally I found the perfect outfit for tonight. Xavier said dress casual. This screams 'pick me!'. I checked out and decided to grab something for Jay to say I'm sorry for the fight. We'd never fought so violently before. I picked out a dog tag necklace from the jewlery shop that said 'Fighters' on it. I think it's for cancer people but whatever.

"That'll be 180.79 please." The cashier said. I only have 90 in cash. But I have 600 on my emergency card. Damn.

"Can I pay half with cash, and the other half credit?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course!" She said ringing me up.


2 hours later I was ready for my date. My hair was down with a white bow clipping my bangs back. I had on a pair of skinny jeans littered with diamonds and rips, a red crop top, a black zip up jacket and converse. Basically, I was cute. Right on que my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I'm pulling up now gorgeous. Be ready." Xavier said before hanging up. I quickly sprayed some Forever Midnight all over me and tucked my Aviators in my shirt. I don't care if we go to Wendy's, I just wanna be where Xavier is. A knock sounded on the door and Laken squealed quickly fixing all the non existent wrinkles on me and swiping dust.

"Okay you look perfect." He said smiling.

"I wish the boys were here to see me off on my first date." I sighed sadly.

"Good thing I had Justin sneak Jay out and over here with Sam." Laken giggled. I threw my arms around him.

"Thank you." I said. We went downstairs and I was met with the boys smiling faces and Xavier who looked at me and smiled brightly.

"You look stunning." Xavier said wrapping his arms around me. I blushed.

"You too." I said. He had on black skinny jeans, a plain white shirt, a black leather jacket, a fitted cap turned backwards and black converse. He also smelled like heaven. Just sayin.

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