Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

(A bit long, but good all the same.)
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Melody was very well known at her high school. Mainly because she was the head of most organizations. She was student council president, and has been at the top of all classes GPA wise ever since she started high school. Her accumulative GPA was at at solid 4.02 right now. If she kept up her work, she would be Valedictorian. At the very least, Salutorian. Which she wouldn't mind. She's not one of those stuck up geeks like you would think. Which is exactly why everyone liked her. She organized lots of field trips, monthly pep rally's, concerts, leadership conferences, assemblies, and even luncheons. And she was great at it. All grades praised her for her kindness and for thinking of the entire student bodies wants when making dicisions. She also helped out with school lunches. Pizza on Tuesdays, Chicken on Thursdays, and healthy, but still over all loved foods the rest of the week. So basically, she was the only student who pretty much LITERALLY ran the school. Of course she had to have approval from the principal, but they trusted her judgement.

So that's how she got where she was right now. Walking out to stand behind the podium to give out the schedule of events for the month. It was a routine. At the beginning of each month she stood and spoke to each grade about their planned activities. Today was the first day of the second month of school. Her senior year. Seniors were the last group and as they piled into the auditorium she felt herself smiling. But suddenly she saw a confused face. An unfamiliar face. As they locked eyes she motioned the boy over. "Are you lost?" She asked as he reached her. Not really paying attention to him his self. She was too concentrated on the crowd. He shrugged looking around. "They said all seniors come here. I'm not sure why." He said self consciously. She smiled. He must be new. Brand new she thought. "Well let me introduce myself. I'm Melody. Student council president. I'm giving a run down of the next month of events. Now go take a seat. You don't wanna miss this." She said waving him away. Not necessarily rudely, but quite boredly. He had looked ready to protest but shut his mouth and walked away. She tapped the mic and as the room got quiet, she began.

"What's up everybody? As you all should know by now, I'm Melody Mejéa Valdez Rámona Hernandez. But to you all, Just Melody. Or Mel Bell as some of you enjoy calling me." I chuckled.

"WASSUP MEL BELL!" Drew stood and shouted causing the entire room including me to laugh.

"Calm it Drew. Let me talk for a few." I chuckled lightly.

"So...seniors. This is a big year for us." I said smiling.

"Hell yeah it is!" Sam shouted from his seat before ducking out of sight.

"Hey. Keep it clean folks." I said faux sternly. "Anyways though, like I said. Big year. So of course, I've got a few fun things planned out for us. First things first. Field trips. We've got 2 this month." I said smiling. Cheers broke out. I giggled. "First one, as its still pretty warm out, we're going to Holiday World. HOLD YOU CHEERS." I said before the first whoop could happen. "Now the second one, you'll love. As we've all been there before and I received literally hundreds of requests to go. So that place is..." I trailed off. Everyone leaned forward except for Emrock, my twin brother.

"Oh hop off it. Where are we going?" He snapped lightly. We all knew he was joking and chuckled lightly.

"Alright alright. We're going to Incredible Daves. In 9 days. So be ready." I announced. The auditorium erupted with cheers. If you haven't been, Incredible Daves is like Chucky Cheeses for teenagers. Plus there's a neon bowling alley with black light and and an all you can eat buffet of amazing pizza and pasta. It's just great.

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