Chapter 3

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Apologies for spelling and grammer mistakes

After about two hours in class I was a train wreck. I was exhausted and sick. For example, I was so tired that I dozed off for a second but woke up almost immediately due to a violent coughing fit. "Can I be excused to the nurse?" I asked miserably. My teacher Mr.House looked at me worriedly.

"Yes of course. Someone go with her." He said immediately.

"I'll go." Xavier said hopping up quickly. He wasn't much better. Only he hadn't been ashamed and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the desk. But not for long. He had kept coughing and sneezing and hacking. Just like me.

"You get yourself checked too son. I hope a bugs not going around." Mr.House said worriedly. We left and about halfway down the hallway he stopped at his locker.

"I'm gonna go ahead and get my stuff. They're definitely sending us home. We going to your place or mine?" He asked sniffling slightly.

"Mine. Justin's home so he can play Doctor." I said laughing before clutching my chest in pain. Ouch. It hurts to cough and laugh. We went to the nurse and she frowned.

"You're both showing flu and cold symptoms. I would say go home and rest. Take some Mucinex and use cough drops. You should be better in no time." She said shooing us.

After we arrived at my house I sighed. "I'm ready for bed. I'll have Justin run to the store for us." I mumbled. He nodded and I took out my key unlocking the doors and stumbling inside.

"Justin!" I called out weakly. Really it was just like me saying his name normally. He probably didn't hear me over the music playing. He's probably working out in his room or something. I led Xavier to the couch and told him to wait while I got Justin. I went upstairs and walked over to Justin's room. It was relatively quiet if you didn't consider the music playing loudly and the soft grunts coming from Justin's room. As I said, he's probably working out on his little ab cruncher thingy ma jig. I walked in carelessly and then screamed loudly in horror.

"Dios mío putita! ¿Por qué no me lo dijiste?!!" I shouted still covering my eyes. I let out a few coughs.

"¿Qué demonios Melody? Why are you home!?!?" He shouted. I heard shuffling and finally it was quiet.

"You can open your eyes now." A quiet voice said. I cautiously opened my eyes and sighed in relief. Then I squealed and ran and jumped on Justin only half aware he was naked under his comforter.

"Why didn't you tell us you're gay?" I pouted. He shrugged.

"I didn't think there was a point in telling you until I got a boyfriend." He said carefully. I eyed up the boy next to him.

"So who's this then? Su compañero de mierda?" I asked smirking. He blushed.

"Oh hell no!" He shouted. The boy looked confused.

"What...?" He asked confused.

"Friend with benefits lindo niño." I said winking.

"Hey back off." Justin warned lightly. I winked at him.

"Oh." The boy blushed.

"Well I'm not. I'm not like that." He said quietly. I cooed and pinched his cheeks lightly.

"Then what are you? Boyfriends? That's so cute." I squealed.

"You can't tell mom. He's not my boyfriend." Justin said solemnly.

"I won't. Promise. But, what are you then? Partners?" I asked confused.

"Los maridos de mi amor." He said quietly. Suddenly I was silent. What? My silence was broken when I let out a violent chain of coughs.

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