Chapter 13

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A/N I'm going to be updating a lot so the chapters won't be as long but they will be more frequent. Thanks for reading. Comment and vote! I appreciate it!

I woke up the next morning in Xavier's bed. I shifted before a wave of nausea swept over me. I leapt up and ran to the bathroom before emptying my stomach. I knew Xavier was there before I actually felt him rub my back.

"You okay baby?" He asked quietly. I nodded and he got up to gather a few things. He handed me a glass of water and helped me up.

"Thank you." I mumbled as I moved to brush my teeth.

"So I guess we know why you've been getting sick recently." He joked. I gave him a blank look and continued brushing my teeth. He chuckled and leaned his head against the space between my shoulder blades.

"Bad mood?" He questioned quietly. I rolled my eyes but let out a noise of agreement. He hugged me lightly and just stood there while I brushed my teeth. After I was finished I flopped back into bed.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked. I nodded turning to face him.

"I love you." I said looking him in his eyes. He smiled kissing me lightly.

"I love you too." He whispered. I fell back asleep almost immediately after that.

"Wake up." The words kept being said but I just wasn't having it. I want to sleep damn it.

"Baby please." Alex whined directly in my ear. My hand shot up and smacked him before I could stop myself. My eyes shot open and I winced seeing him hold a hand over his eye.

"Sorry. Reflex." I said warily. He glared at me but rubbed his eye and got up.

"I made you breakfast. Get up beast." He grumbled walking away. I pouted but got up regardless. I looked around and gathered up a shirt and a pair of his boxers. Might as well wear something.

As I descended the stairs I smiled seeing him waiting at the bottom for me. I made it to the third to last step before I tumbled down. Alex caught me in his arms before I could even scream.

"Huh. Good lookin fam." I said in a chill voice. He glared at me.

"You need to be more careful. You're not only looking out for yourself now. Precious cargo and all." He scolded motioning to my stomach. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I got this. WAIT! Is our baby going to be a werewolf?" I asked hurriedly. He opened his mouth but closed it back.

"Maybe we should sit down and talk about this. I've been meaning to have this conversation anyways." He said shifting on his feet. I glared at him but nodded.

"So what's this all about?" I asked impatiently. We finished breakfast half an hour ago.

"Well you know how you're human and all?" He asked. I huffed.

"Clearly." I snarked. He sent me a look and I sunk in my seat.

"Well the thing is, werewolves can't have human mates." He said carefully. I sat up.

"But you said I'm your mate." I said panicked. He nodded.

"That's the point! You are! Which means that either the wolf goddesses have had a change of heart, or you have a spark." He whispered excitedly.

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