Chapter 9

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Xavier's point of view (SURPRISE!!! )

I watched as Melody fell to the floor and caught her head just before it slammed into the coffee table.

"Nice reflexes. Now let's get her to the car." Her mom nodded. I picked her up effortlessly and began to carry her outside.

"How'd you do that?" Ant asked. I frowned.

"What?" I asked.

"Move so fast? It's like I blinked and suddenly you were holding her head." He said fascinated. I shrugged.

"I take fighting classes. I'm trained to act fast. Never miss a step." I said. It was basically true. We were in training groups and we were taught how to fight off other wolves.

"That's so cool!" He exploded. I gave him a light smile.

"Agreed." I said placing Melody in the back of her moms car.

She stirred slightly but stilled again. I sighed and shut the door.

"I'll meet you there." I said to her mom. She nodded.


Melody had came to at the hospital and they've been running tests on her. Her mom had to leave for work and now it was just the boys, Ant, and I here.

"I wonder what it is." Melody said frustrated. I sighed squeezing her hand.

"Me too." I said shortly. I bit my toungue as I saw I was pushing the time limit. I had training in half an hour.

"Are you okay?" She asked watching my nerve wracked expression. I opened my mouth then closed it back and nodded.

"Don't lie to me." She said firmly. I bit my lip roughly.

"I have training in half an hour. I don't want to be late, that's all." I said tentatively. I didn't need this to start coming between us again.

"Just blow it off for a day." Emrock waved me off. I looked at the ground. I can't.

"No it's fine. You can go." She said squeezing my hand.

"I wanna hear what the doctor says first." I said firmly.

"I don't want you to be late...and you know why." She said the last part lowly. Though everyone still heard it.

"What? Your trainer gonna give you a boo boo?" Jay snickered. I rolled my eyes.

"It'll be fine Mel." I insisted.

"No. It won't be. And I'm not having this conversation in front of them. You. Know. Why. I never want you to feel obligated to be glued to my side. I'll be fine. I'll text you what the doctor says." She snapped. I sat back a little stunned.

"We don't have to talk about this now, but I'm not going." I snapped back. She opened her mouth to retaliate but the door opened and in walked the doctor.

"We'll discuss this later." She hissed. I rolled my eyes slumping back. I noticed everyone was looking at us. Oh well.

"So I have the results." The doctor started. I sat up straight.

"So, well, before we start if you'd like to do this privately, I can escort them out." He said pointing to us all.

"Um, maybe that's best. Except Alex. He should stay." She mumbled quietly. The boys nodded and left the room quickly.

"So, good news is its nothing chronic. Yet." The doctor said. I tensed.

"Yet?" I asked. He nodded.

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