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"baby," i heard a soft voice coo. "come on, wake up."

i whined lowly as i scrunched my eyes closed. i lifted my arm to hold my forearm over my eyes to block out the light. i could feel my cheek being gently caressed, which was almost enough to send me right back to sleep.

"lovey," the voice cooed again. they grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers, then pulled my arm away from my face. "you gotta get up. i got you food."

i peeked an eye open. i was immediately met with saylor's face. i quickly took note of how she was straddling my lap. i tried to ignore the burn i felt in my cheeks.

saylor giggled. "of course, that's what gets you up."

i slightly narrowed my eyes. she flashed an innocent smile, then, much to my disappoint, got off my lap. i frowned as she did so.

"sit up," she murmured as she got out of the bed.

i rubbed at my face with a yawn as i slowly got up. when i opened my eyes, i saw that saylor was walking back to the bed with a tray of food.

"fuck," was the first thing i thought to blurt. i met her eyes. "you're seriously such an angel. you know that?"

"mm, i think you've told me a few times," she teased.

despite her teasing, once she sat down beside me, i leaned over to kiss her temple. "thank you," i mumbled genuinely.

"you're welcome," she gave a shy smile as a blush rose to her cheeks.

as i tried to decide what to eat first, saylor grabbed the bowl of fruits, and she started to eat them. i glanced at her, took a grape, then ate it, before i decided to start with the bacon and egg sandwich.

after we finished eating, saylor put the tray away before she walked back over to the bed. she stood in front of it, and she combed my hair out of my face and held it there. she pursed her lips as she looked at my forehead.

"how's your head feeling, baby?"

"it hurts like a bitch," i huffed.

"i've got some pain killers, if you want me to give them to you?" she tilted her head. "then you can shower, and i can bandage up the cut again."

i stared up at her, completely awestruck. i swallowed harshly. i avoided her eyes, and i gave a small nod with a sigh. "please?"

my cheeks flushed as she pressed a few kisses around the bandage that was currently on my forehead. with that, she walked over to her bag to get me the pain medicine. after she had them, she walked back, and she handed them to me.

"i'm not rushing you, but we don't have much time until we have to get on the tour bus to go to the next city, so..." she trailed off.

i gave a nod. i got a fresh set of clothes from my suitcase, and then i walked to the bathroom. after i showered, i brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, etc.

when i walked out of the bathroom, saylor met my eyes. she gave a smile as she somewhat tilted her head. on the bedside table, i could see what she was going to use to bandage up my forehead again, as well as clean the cut before doing so.

i sat on the bed. saylor raised a brow, and she gestured to my lap. wordlessly, i pulled her into my lap. i then watched her face, completely awestruck, the entire time she tended to the cut on my forehead. i took notice of how gently she was, how she held my face, and occasionally caressed it. i took notice of the concentrated look on her face that remained the entire time.

i can't recall the last time i felt this cared for.

i can't remember the last time i was tended to like this.

when saylor was done, a proud grin spread across her lips. it was clear she was about to say something, but i stopped her as i grabbed her face with both of my hands and pulled her forward to press my lips to her's. she froze up, and her hands stayed frozen in the air until she completely melted in my hold and kissed me back. i kissed her ever so gently as i kept her close.

"thank you," i murmured as i barely pressed my forehead to her's.

my eyes were solely focused on her own, but i could feel her face heat up in my hand's. "yeah, of course, lovey."

soon enough, it was time for us to load the tour bus. like most mornings, i planned on holding saylor's hand as we made our way to the bus... but i stopped as i saw an annoying amount of paparazzi outside of the hotel lobby. i let out a deep sigh before we started to make our way out.

"alex, how are you feeling after last night?"

"alex, what do you want to say to the person who threw the phone?"

"saylor, is it true that you and alex are dating?"

"are you guys working on your debut album yet? can you give us any clues?"

"saylor, do you have anything to say about last night's incident?"

it took everything in me to not punch one of them or shove their cameras away as they persistently followed us to the tour bus. it didn't feel great to have a camera shoved in my face and be bombarded with questions; my head pounding made it even more of a nuisance. 

once we got into the tour bus, i let out a deep exhale. "i need to lay down. you can lay with me if you want."

i didn't giver her the chance to respond as i made my way to upstairs. i half wanted her to give me my space, but the other half of me wanted to be in the comfort of her embrace.

luckily for me, she followed me up here. we laid down on the couch, where i buried my head into her chest and wrapped my arms around her waist. she held me closely as she kissed the top of my head. i let out a content sigh.

a/n ayooo




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