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a few shows after our show in santa ana, we're in new york. we've got nine more shows after our show here before our second tour is concluded. even though this tour is longer than our first, it's seemed to have flown by in no time. it feels significantly shorter than our first.

we're in new york for a few days. we had a show tonight, which we've already done. we'll be here all day tomorrow, and we'll leave early the day after tomorrow.

right now, me and saylor are in her apartment. we, along with jessie and miguel, were invited to a party tonight, which saylor just finished getting ready for.

"are you sure you don't wanna come with us, baby?" she asked as she walked over to me. i was sitting on the her bed, and i had been watching as she got ready.

she walked over, and she stood between my legs. her brows were just slightly knitted together as she lifted her hands to cup my cheeks and look down at me. i lifted my own hands to place them on her hips and pull her closer.

i swallowed as i looked up at her. "yeah, i'm sure. my head still hurts, and i'm just not really feeling it," i gave an excuse.

truthfully, i'd much rather her stay here with me than for her to go to the party. i wasn't exactly thrilled when she told me she wanted to go, considering my past with s/o's going to parties.

but i also don't want to stop her from going. i don't want to keep her from having fun. i don't want to hold her back because of my issues.

i watched as a slight frown tugged on her lips. "okay," she trailed off. "make sure you take some more medicine whenever you can, alright?"

i gave a slight nod. my hands rubbed at her waist as i looked up at her. "are you going to drink any?"

"i don't exactly plan on it, no, but knowing jessie, i'll probably end up taking a shot or four," she giggled. "how much you wanna bet they'll convince me to drink?"

"i'm not making a bet i'll lose," i gave a laugh as i tried to cheer myself up and not think about my past. she laughed at that too. "will you text me if you do end up drinking, though?"

"yeah, of course, lovey," she gave a smile as her thumb rubbed across my cheek.

"and if you do drink, or smoke, or anything, call me when you're ready to go; i'll come pick you up, i promise. if you drink, i'd rather i take you back home than a stranger. i definitely don't want you walking back either." i told her as i searched her eyes.

she nodded. "me too," she murmured. "you don't have to worry about me smoking though. you're the only one i smoke with."

despite my hesitation about the whole situation, i couldn't help the proud, cocky smirk that played on my lips. "damn right; i better be."

she giggled at that, and she leaned down to kiss me. i allowed myself to melt into it and soak this moment up. when she pulled back, i pushed my face into her stomach with a sigh. her hands moved up so that she could run them through my hair. i moved my arms to wrap them around her and hug her closely.

she was silent for a few moments. "are you sure you're okay, baby?" she asked for the second time since we've been back to her apartment.

i almost considered telling her that i didn't feel well, that i thought that i might be sick (which, considering how i'm starting to feel the closer it gets to her leaving, wouldn't exactly be a lie). knowing her and how she is, who she is, i think it'd be safe to bet that she'd drop everything to take care of me and do her best to tend to me.

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