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a few days after the band's show, the band is in the practice building. devon is supposed to be coming at some point during practice to take a few pictures.

the day after the show, when alex woke up, they apologized for falling asleep after their shower and not eating the dinner i cooked. i told them it was fine. they had sat with me in the kitchen while i made us breakfast, and i finally told them about how i had gotten coffee with arlo and talked to him.

they seemed uneasy at the idea of me being alone with him like that, considering the times he's blown up at me, but they figured it was fine as long as it was in a public place. they asked how i felt about seeing and talking to him again. i admitted that i was still unsure about it, though part of me was happy to actually be able to talk to him like that. they also asked if i planned to talk to him again, and i told them that i more than likely would. i liked the idea repairing mine and arlo's relationship.

i looked over at alex. their guitar strap was considerably lower than it normally was, which made it sit just below their hips. they kept their fingers in a chord shape as they strummed, though lifted their strumming hand to move their hair out of their face. they shook their head before leaning towards the microphone.

"all that time spent with my therapist, talking over all your arrogance," i watched their eyes flit to the door when it opened. devon walked inside. alex's eyes narrowed. "told her how you loved to drink and drive. all that footage, i got rid of it, but i bet somewhere you've hidden it. just like you to bury me alive."

we finished singing the song. alex picked up the mic stand, and they brought it over to one of the chairs. they adjusted it to the level they were sitting at. they were slouched in the chair, but were still able to perfectly play their guitar. they looked over to me.

"uh, what song next?"

we continued to practice for the next hour or so. as we did, devon took a few pictures of us. right now, we're performing hold on till may. alex is still sitting in the chair as they played.

"if i were you, i'd put that away. see, you're just wasted and thinking 'bout the past again. darling, you'll be okay. and she said," as they sang, they had been looking down at their guitar with an almost solemn look on their face. when it got to my part though, they looked up at me, and they tilted their head slightly.

"if you were me, you'd do the same, 'cause i can't take anymore. i'll draw the shades and close the door. everything's not alright, and i would rather..." i sang.

when the song ended, alex abruptly stood up and put their guitar away. they patted their back pocket. their brows furrowed briefly before they spotted their pack of cigarettes on the counter. they walked over to them, then held them up briefly. "i'll be back," they muttered before walking to the back exit door and walking outside.

i pursed my lips as i watched them. i let out a sigh as i put my own guitar away. i then looked over to devon as she spoke up.

"i'ma take a smoke break as well," she held up her own pack of cigarettes before going through the back exit door as well.

i shrugged. i glanced over at jessie, who seemed a bit uncomfortable at the sight of cigarettes. i walked over, and i wrapped my arm around her shoulders. i started to lead her towards the couch.

"so, what's the deal with you and billie now?" i quizzed.

i watched as her face lit up. "she's coming to new york later this week," they grinned. their face then flushed, and they were quiet for a moment. "i think i'ma ask her to be my girlfriend."

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