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"saylor!" jessie yelled as soon as the facetime connected. "pookie bear!"

"hi, jj," i answered with a giggle. "what's up?"

"your girl is officially cuffed," she gave a wide, dimpled grin. "tell alex to suck a dick, because i was not delusional!"

i laughed loudly at that. "congrats, jess," i told her genuinely. "i would tell alex... if they would answer their damn phone."

their brows furrowed. "what?"

i propped my face in my hand as i looked at them through the facetime. "they haven't answered their phone since they stormed out of the practice building the other day."

"that was four days ago though," she frowned. "shit, i would go to their apartment and knock some fucking sense into their ass, but i'm not home... i'm kinda on my way to catch a flight to los angeles."

"now, jessie..." i trailed off.

their eyes widened. "listen, i wanted a new tattoo, and you know i only get kai to tattoo me! that, and i wanted to go see my girl again. what about it?" she huffed.

i laughed. "alright, alright."

she pursed her lips. "if you want, you can go to my apartment; i've got a key to alex's apartment on the key rack next to the door."

me and jessie gave each other a key to each other's apartments a while back, just because.

"why do you have a key to alex's apartment?" my brows furrowed deeply.

"oh, uh... they gave it to me a long time ago..." they said slowly. "um... just so i could check up on them, when they weren't doing so well mentally..."

"oh..." i frowned.

"it was a while ago, saylor, really; they've been way better since then," they tried to assure me.

"right," i mumbled. "well, you have fun in la, alright? send me a pic of your tat. oh, and tell billie that me and her need to hangout again! i had a lotta fun with her when we were in la."

"will do," she gave a grin. "see you, pookie; i love you."

"i love you too, jess," i laughed. "see you."

i ended the facetime, and i set my phone down. i tapped my fingers on the counter as i debated with myself. i could go get the key from jessie's apartment and see what alex's deal is. it's pretty late in the afternoon though, and i'm still wearing the clothes i slept in.

i'm gonna shower first, then make a decision.

i walked to my room, and i grabbed a set of clothes to change into. i then walked to the bathroom, and i took my time with showering and washing my hair. once i was out of the shower, i got dressed, then dried my hair.

i sat on my bed, and i pulled my phone out. i went to instagram, then checked my explore page. my brows furrowed as i saw a few posts of alex, seemingly in their apartment, holding a guitar. i clicked on one of them, and my brows furrowed even more as i read the caption, which said that it was a live from earlier today.

how did i miss that?

i watched the video. they didn't look at the camera, but instead down at the acoustic guitar that they had gotten on our first tour. they then started to strum it as they sang, still not looking at the camera. i listened intently to the lyrics. i didn't recognize the song they were singing, so i assumed it was one of their own. their lyrics, as well as the slur in their voice, made me frown.

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