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two days later, i've yet to get a message back from alex. the band hasn't practiced since they stormed out of the practice building, so i haven't seen them since then either.

i wonder what happened for them to storm out like that. i'm also confused as to why they haven't texted me back.

surely it isn't something i did, right? i can't recall anything that i could've done to upset them. i didn't even talk to them before they stormed out.

i let out a deep sigh as i ran my hands through my hair. i looked down in my lap, and i looked at theo. i started to anxiously pick at his fur.

whatever happened, i hope alex is okay. they've been so off for the past three or so weeks. i've tried to ask them if they're okay or if something is wrong, but every time, they brush me off and tell me that they're fine and that everything is okay.

it just doesn't feel like they're telling the truth though.

i want to help them, if there's any way that i can, but it's hard to do that when they just shut me out and won't tell me what's going on so that i can help them.

i pulled my phone out, and i checked mine and alex's messages once again; i've lost track of how many times i've checked at this point. i stared at the message i sent that still had no reply. i pursed my lips. i typed out "is everything okay?" i stared at it and debated with myself for a few moments before i sent it. once i did, i got up and left theodore on the couch. i grabbed my keys and wallet, then left my apartment.

"you've seriously gotten really good at the guitar. i saw a clip of you playing a solo in one of the band's songs; i'm really impressed," arlo gave a small laugh as he crossed his arms over the top of the table. "the student has become the master."

i picked at the label on my coffee cup. "i don't know about that. you're pretty damn good at guitar."

he sucked his teeth. "uh, probably not anymore. i haven't played in years," he admitted as he let out a puff of air.

"what? why not?" my brows furrowed deeply.

he ran his hand through his hair, then rubbed at his forehead. "i had to sell my guitar a while back; i really needed the money."

"but you loved that guitar; i remember you obsessing over it before you even bought it," i frowned.

"yeah, well, things happen. it was either sell the guitar or get evicted, so," he shrugged. he cleared his throat. "enough about that though. how is everything with the band coming along? anything gonna happen with it soon?"

i thought about the practically done album, as well as the unannounced tour for it. "sorry, but my lips are sealed on this."

"what? really? you can't even tell me about it?" he asked teasingly. "c'mon, just tell me a lil' bit."

"no can do," i shook my head with a laugh. "i can't tell anyone."

"man," he playfully scoffed. "i thought i could get some special privileges; insider shit."

i let out another laugh at that. "sorry to disappoint you, but nope."

"well, whatever it is, good luck," he gave a sweet smile. "i'm sure whatever it is will be great."

"thank you," i gave a small smile as i continued to pick at the label on my coffee cup. "i think it will be; i'm excited for it."

"i'm glad; i love seeing you happy, saylor."

i met his eyes as my own widened a bit. i gave a small nod, then looked down at my coffee again.

"so... how are you? how have things been lately?" he asked after a few moments.

i thought briefly. "i'm, uh, i'm alright," i decided on. "things have been okay. i'm working on making things better, but i don't know. i'm hoping i can, at least."

his brows furrowed. "what do you mean?"

i thought about the situation with alex. i started to tell him, but i stopped, and i decided against it. "just some personal shit. it's fine, really," i shook my head. "how are you, arlo? how have things been?"

he leaned back in his side of the booth. "um, things are looking up, actually. that job at the gas station is really helping out. it's a shitty job, honestly, but money is money, so i can't really complain. if it keeps a roof above my head, then i don't really care how i get it."

"i'm glad things are getting better," i nodded. i paused, and i peeled the label off of my coffee cup. "are... are you getting better?"

he stopped, and he shifted uncomfortably. "it's a long process... relatively, i'm doing better, i guess..."

"right..." i trailed off.

he glanced at his watch, and he sighed. "alright, well, my break is almost over, so i need to head back. i'll see you again, huh?"

i thought for a moment before i nodded. we both stood up from the booth. he seemed to hesitate for a few seconds before he held his arms out. my eyes widened, and i kinda just stared at him. as he was starting to put his arms back down, i stepped into them, and i hugged him tightly. a second or two passed before he hugged me back.

words cannot explain how much i've missed this. i've almost forgot how good arlo's hugs are... how comforting they are.

arlo was the first one to pull away. he lifted his hand before placing it on my head. he then ruffled my hair with a smile. "i'll see you later, saylor."

i swallowed as i looked up at him, then nodded. "yeah, i'll see you, arlo."

hours later, i'm back home. i've ate dinner, showered, and cleaned my apartment. it's now nearing midnight as i laid in bed.

i'm not sure what time i got in bed at, but i know that i've been tossing and turning for a while now as i tried to fall asleep. i've been struggling to fall asleep since i laid down.

it's so hard to sleep without alex now.

speaking of alex... they've yet to text me back still.

i'm seriously starting to think it's something i did now, though i can't think of anything i could've done to make them give me the cold shoulder.

surely i must have done something though for them to flat out ignore me... right?

i let out a deep sigh as i turned once again. i rubbed at my face as i laid there, still unable to sleep.

i hate this entire situation so much, but i don't know to fix it.

a/n ayooo




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