Chap. 47; All the King's Horses and All Lauren's Men

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"Can you please please tell me everything? I'm beginning you. I feel like the only sober person at a party, please." Walt said, jumping onto the counter. "I want to hear everything."

"Everything?" He nodded. "One big long story or the two and a half smaller ones?"

"What's the difference?"

"Just the way I break it up." Lauren suggested seeing as it was completely arbitrary.

"Just one big one, but I'll be stopping you if shit doesn't make sense."

"You're going to be stopping us a lot." Steve's hand was interlocked with her, and it was really comforting her.

"Just tell me."

"Okay, I think this parts pretty damn obviously, but Eleven isn't like my biological sister.

"Well, no shit. Bitch has superpowers." He said it in his normal use of the word. "Which. I'm sorry what she can like move shit with her mind. Like does she have the force or some shit." Lauren shrugged.

"I seriously have no clue where the hell those came from."

"Okay well, Eleven? Eleven, what is that?"

"From what I gathered is there are at least ten others with superpowers. One, Two, Three, Yada Yada, you know. I don't want to pry with that shit. It's her past and you know past can be personal. So I just leave it be let her tell me when she's ready."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep going." Walt was talking with his hands.

"Okay she escaped Hawkins lab the day Will went missing. When he went missing he didn't just get lossed in the woods he was taken to another dimension."


"You saw a girl move shit with her mid tonight, and you you're really calling bullshit right now, Blondie?" Steve said, crossing his arms on his chest.

"Yeah, Harrington, I'm calling bullshit. I don't believe in alternate dimensions."

"Whether you believe it or not, that's what happened. The next night the night you picked me up, drunk off my ass from Steve's that's what happened to Barbara too." Walt shook his head. "Walt."

"B? But what about the chemical leak. I don't get it. Nothing about that says alternate dimension. How do you know this?"

"That was a lie. What the press was told so they'd believe it."

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly what you're saying. They made up something far more plausible because people wouldn't believe she was taken into another dimension by some creature. A gas leak is more realistic, something that could actually happen because this this shit would never in a million years happen, right?"

"Right. I think I'm getting it. But if the same thing happens to Barb and you know, You knew she was dead for a year." Lauren didn't want to say yes. She didn't know how he was going to react, but she wasn't going to lie to him anymore.

"Yeah, but when she went missing me and Nancy looked for her. We looked for her in the woods anywhere. Even the upside-down."

"The upside-down. The other dimension?"

"Yeah. Yeah. When the creator, the one that took B, travels to earth or here or whatever, it leaves a portal, and Nancy wondered in. We didn't find her there, but Eleven did. She found her dead."

"Elenor... Eleven, I mean. She's been there too. When she found Barb."

"Yes and No. She's been there. She only found Barbara in her mind. Not only can she move things, but she can see other places. For example, if she wanted to, she could see what Whitney Huston was doing at this very moment. She looked for Barbara, but she was gone." Walt was trying to process everything. "But Will was still alive and trapped in there. My dad and Joyce they went to go get him, and Jonathan Nancy and I wanted to help, so we drew the monster in. To weaken it. That's how I broke my leg. That's where the part I'd break up story one we didn't really do much after that."

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