5 • Michael

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Now that it's sunday, i decided to clean my house today. i did not took a long time in that work, till i found the thing for which i have been searching since too long. Journals and letters written by me when i was little.

I took one of them and started to read.

Dear FutureSi,
It's funny to write letter to your own self,  I'm writing this letter to frozen the memories that i made.
Well today me and dadda went to his friends house, dadda's friend has a big house , really big!
I met alot of people there and made some friends too.
And i also met uncle Williams'
Son Alex , he was few years older than me , he didn't really talk alot but i like him . He is intelligent and smart i tried talking to him but he is silly and stubborn too.
I guess he thinks me of a little girl but he doesn't know that Si is a big and smart girl . I hope he makes me his friend and in future we'll go on a vacation together. Yayayy!!!!! Dadda said we'll go uncle Williams' residence, then I'll give him my favourite unicorn keychain, the keychain my father gave me on my last birthday, he'll probably like it then he'll be my friend. You better not leak my plans Future Si, i swear I'm not going to cheat on you with uncle Williams' son.

Goshh i wrote it like a kid does, i was eleven afterall.

I opened another and started to read it.

Dear FutureSi,
I gave my unicorn keychain to Alex today, but he was not happy about it, he simply took it and said nothing, at a sudden point i even felt that he was going to throw it (loads of sad feeling). I  asked him if he wants to be my friend, he said nothing and left , i looked at dadda and uncle William, they were the definition of true friendship, i wanted Alex to be my friend the way they both are each other's. But I'm not going to loose hope, I'll try again on his birthday which is quite soon, I'm sweating for you Si. Huh!

Dear FutureSi,
I went to Alex's birthday party today, we became friends, we shaked hands and after his father insisted him alot, I was SOOOO HAPPY!!! But there was something that made my mood sad. That girl, she wore better clothes than me, she was taller tha me, she was just better than me, Alex looked happy with her

Okay so, Maddie's era finally started.

And Si you know what, I even cried in bathroom. When I did so, I heard dadda saying "it's really shameful for me to have a friend who is involved in smuggling, I am a fucking FBI agent, you were not like this before, William, you have more than enough money yet you are doing things like this, Shame on you William, Shame on you!!"  I kept eavesdropping through the bathroom droom and cried even more. From that moment, dadda and Uncle William always seemed like they were  involved in some kind of argument.

Duh ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ-
I closed it, I decided to read the rest of 'em afterwards for I already have too much work load right now.

               8 Years ago
      Michael (Sierra's father)
I checked my phone and saw William's text.

William: urgent!! meet me at the respective location which I'll be sharing you in a moment.


After few minutes, I checked the location and tried my best to reach there as soon as possible.

I stopped near a place which felt completely strange to me, a big house which seemed old and filled with dust was all that i saw. I decided to move towards it.

The moment I reached there, I saw William standing in the middle of something which looked like a hall.

I walked towards him and as i stopped, i saw cardboard boxes in a large numbers. I started to open one infront of him, it contained items of smuggling. I opened some more of them and they contain the same.

I stared at William and then looked at the gun which was lying on the floor, i picked it up and sarted to shout at him "I cannot believe my eyes, William, I just can'tt"

"Let me explain" William said with a calm tone.

"Explain, really!?!" I said putting my right on my head while still  holding the gun.

"You give me the gun, I'll explain you everything" he said moving his hands in order to grab the gun from me.

"No, I'll not unless you tell me" i threw my hands in the air while moving abit away from him, but he came near me and tried to snatch the gun from me. I did my best to keep the gun away from him.

Right then i heard a thrust along with a gunshot and saw my trigger finger on the trigger guard.

I took a glance on the floor and my eyes could not swallow what they saw. It was William lying on the floor, his head was coated with blood, hands dwell in a lethargic way and eyes remained open and milky-- -- --

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