7 • Nick

25 0 0

Dear FutureSi,
We were at the church, prayers were performed and uncle William was sleeping no actually HE WAS DEAD!((( Idk how all this happened, maybe it was related to my father's presence at the police precincts today and the way he acted last night. Did dadda--? No, he can't, dadda can't, but if it was really true dadda would have been inside the prison till now. Alex remained quite, I felt pity for him and his mother Si:(((.

Awaee ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
I closed the book of memories and looked forward to the next order.

"May i get your order, sir?" I asked him while he kept his gaze down at the menu.

" One cappuccino please" he moved his head and stared at me. He had curly brunette hairs and his eyes shared blue colour. His black shirt was tucked in by the pants that he wore. Ngl he resembles Greyson a bit, a little bit. but i also heard it somewhere that when you love someone, you see them in everyone. I don't love Greyson rightt?? I mean do i?? I don't ofc. Waitt, is he Greyson's brother? Might be. How would i know that?

"Okay sir" i said after clearing my throat.

I prepared his order and moved towards him.

"Sir, your order" i informed him.

"How much?" He simply took it and asked.

"$5.39, sir" he payed me the cash as i told him.

"Sierra i have some work to do so I'll be going right now, you look after the cafe and make sure to close it before you leave, is that okay?" Mr. Poppy questioned me.

" Okay pooopie" I moved away from Greyson's so called brother (what to do i don't have anything else to call him) and moved towards Mr. Poppy, the actual person who owns this cafe, he has been with me from the moment i stepped in New York.

I did my home work while preparing the orders while many customers came and went but he remained.

After about an hour i was about to close the cafe, there was no one around except for him.

I went to where he sat, kept my note books on his table and crossed my arms over my chest.

" Sir actually the cafe is about to close, uubb so--" i made him clear.

"What is your name, Sweetheart" he said while opening one of my note book which was kept on the table and started to turn the pages, i didn't stopped him.
Why the hell was he asking my name?? And Sweetheart was he being flirty?

"Umm Sierra Mackenzie Addison" what was need to tell him your full name Si.

" I didn't asked for your full name" ughh!

"But i told" i said in a calm tone.

"Can i get a pen?" he asked me. But what forr?

"Yea, sure" instead of arguing i gave him a pen and stared at my notebook as he started to write something.

He was scribbling something.


That was my number, but the moment i took to realise it he was not at that place anymore, I looked for him and found him standing near the exit door.

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