16 • Spain

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I awoke and discovered myself lying on the hospital bed, I looked at my right hand that was embraced by Greyson's hands who was sleeping on a chair placed aside with his head near my thigh.

I took my phone that was on the bed and captured a photo of Greyson as he slept.

After a moment, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me with his sleepy eyes.

"Sierra, I missed you, please forgive me" his deep voice filled the room while he still seemed sleepy.

"I will, but for that Greyson all I want to know is where were you? Where were you from so many years? Where did Alex disappeared all of sudden? when I was left with my monster mother alone? Planning how to betray me, huh? Planning how to stab my heart into pieces?" I took my hand off his comfortable, warm hold as Greyson got in sitting position.

"Darling I-- just wanted to take information related to my father's death, I was fed up, I was so fed up from everything happenng around me, my father's death, getting responsibilities at such a small age, getting a step dad and then my mother's sucide, so I decided to take a  short cut and aquire information relating to my father's death through you, because it was the only option left and also I was used to leaving girls after getting what I needed but who knew I would actually fall for you, trust me I did not felt like using you after I heard your voice, the way you talked, carefree about the world, you didn't not felt like the ordinary. I came to know that it wasn't my dad who dropped the text that day and it wasn't your dad's fault, it was someone else and I still want to know who it is, I've sent my resources but because it is an old case so it is taking them long, there is also a possiblity that that person is not alive anymore. I wasn't sure how to explain you everything, trust me Sierra, but I need you right now, I realised that I am incomplete without you, I am sorry, please forgive me" he said in a state of remorse and my heart pondered of forgiving him.

I stared at him with silence.

"Ok, I will but as a friend but not as your girlfriend, and I can also help you in finding the real person behind uncle William's death" now that we both knew that he was Alex, I mentioned as uncle William and not his dad.
Moreover I still wasn't sure of forgiving him as a girlfriend.

He seemed a bit down and somewhat fine and remained silent.

"By the way, how did you found me?" I questioned to break the silence.

"How could I not, you're asking this from a person who is stalking you all the time" his expression changed and he replied in a smooth tone.

I remained silent because I knew that he used to stalk me and that's how I always imagined myself to be while reading novels, I always wanted to feel what getting in a dark romance novel feel like but of course unless he is stalking me when I am bathing or doing something really stupid.

I started to bite my lips while Greyson stared at me with relief as if he won a war. He came close to me, brought his hand near my ear and tucked my hairs behind it.

He brought his thumb near my lips and rubbed it softly on my lower lip.

I turned my face to the left in order to stop him as he was about to crash his lips on mine.


"Where are you going?" I asked Greyson out of confusion as he was dressed up.

"Spain, my old house to check if I can get any information from there, I'll be back soon" he cleared.

"I want to go with you too" I said because I haven't seen my home town in a long time.

"But you are still not completely fine, you need rest" he explained although I wasn't in need of too much rest tbh.

"I want to go! Please Greyson" I putted on my best puppy face, hoping for a good reply from him.

"Ok, get ready" he agreed and I got enthusiastic.

I started to get ready after which I got downstairs.

Greyson opened the door for me, I got in the car and I experienced a sense of déjà vu, I've been here before but as his girlfriend and not his friend.

The car ride remained silent because I wasn't talking like I used to.

In a moment, we reached the airport, the private airport and got in the private plane that Greyson owns which appeared luxurious with lavish interior.

In a moment, we reached the airport, the private airport and got in the private plane that Greyson owns which appeared luxurious with lavish interior

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Following that, Greyson got in his work before I slept on the sofa.


Greyson and I stepped inside his old house as I got overwhelmed by a wave of nostalgia.

I immediately rushed upstairs to the room where Alex (the old Greyson) and I used to play while Greyson was busy finding something in his father's office.

I went towards the hotwheels car section where Greyson and I used to have our racing event which was still in the same condition apart from the little bit of dust that got on it, I picked up the hot red coloured out of it and began to wonder that it was the one that marked my first victory over Greyson.

I did not got the urge of meeting my mother even though I was in the same city as her but a part of me desired to see her because she was my mother afterall.


I was sifting through the hard-copy documents in dad's office but couldn't find anything informative as I expected, thousands of biodatas and mafia plans still none was it.

I kept searching for it, but then something grabbed my attention,  an information and it didn't seemed normal it wasn't of somebody  who used to work or somebody who was targetted by dad, I mean as far as I know.

John Emerald
Age- 22
Lon on
P      io  - m fi a


The details were somewhat obscured especially his photo maybe because it was old and kept here from too long but it seemed as if someone tried to rub it.

I tried to search if I can find anything more information than that, I kept searching.

After a moment, I found an envelope of letter from a book that dad used to read alot, I opened the letter.

Dear William,
You gave that share of your mafia army to your son, be ready to never see him happy again, even if you remain no more in this world.

I stared at that letter for an extended period while keeping John's information on dad's table as I grappled with a sense of confused.

In an instant, Sierra entered the room.

"What are you doing?" She said while moving towards the table.

"Uncle John" she mentioned as her gaze fell upon that biodata.

"You know him?" I got puzzled.

"Yes, he is my uncle, Ben's father and my father's brother" Sierra said and I could make the connections, now.

"You mean he lives in London?" I asked for I knew who Ben was far before that incident because I was familiar with almost every person in the Mafia network but I have never seen his dad, I guess maye he wasn't in that field or maybe he tried to get in it.

"Yes" She answered straightforwardly.

"Let's move, darling" I
smirked and started to collect the essential documents.

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