12 • Happiness ✺

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"Yes, so there is one guy Asher about whom I forgot to tell you" Jules rested her hands on the platform while I did my orders.

"I know him" I declared which made her flabbergasted.

"No, you are lying" she acted like a 'know- it -all'.

"He was the one who made sure you reach home safe the day I lost my senses and you in the club at the same time" I explained.

"Ok, so you know him" she believed this time.

" Yes ofcourse" I confirmed.

"He studies at the same university as me, he is in his fourth year which means he'll be done with the university soon, and I just got in I'm in my first year" Oh.

"But I thought that he earns" I addressed my doubts.

"Yup he does but as a side business which was handed to him by his father" she clarified.

" Damn, you know alot about him, atleast more than a strangr should know" so was it a fact.

"How could I not, he asked for my hand and we danced at the party while everyone was staring at us which recently took place at our university, he also asked me if I remember who he was, we didn't talked after that but things are really awkward between us" she explained.

"No worries I'll make you talk to  him, he is Greyson's friend" I sarcastically claimed.

"No need, life is satisfactory without it" she illuminated before she got blocked by a call that rang on my phone from an unknown number.

I declined the call only to recieve it again twice.

"Good evening, darling" I thought of picking it up this time because Jules also told me to do so.

"Greyson, where did you got my number from?" I got enthusiastic.

"I even have access to your location then how could you think of me not having your phone number" he responded in a calm tone.

"What are you guys talking about?" I was interrupted by Mr. Poppy's loud voice.

"She is talking to her boy" Jules pointed towards me while I had put finger on my lips indicating her to shut up.

"Your boy, huh" Greyson's deep voice made it's presence on the line.

"Yes, now tell me why did you called?" I questioned.

" I know you are at your cafe and I'll be coming in ten minutes to take you on a date, don't waste your time in arguing, get ready" he said before ending the call.

"Greyson is kinda hot, are you and him a thing?" Jules asked me and broke the silence.

"I am not sure if we are but I am pretty sure that he is the guy, no, actually the man who took my virginity" I confessed while Mr. Poppy was busy arranging books in the shelf.

"What the actual fuck, it means you are not a virgin anymore, you are like me now, but wait, are you an asshole? You are telling this to me now, to your bestfriend" she dramatically moved her hands.

"Stop cursing Jules" Mr. Poppy came from behind and pulled her ears gently.

"I guess we should focus more on Sierra and Greyson's conversation, Mr. Poppy rather than the cursing words used by me" She tried to distract Mr. Poppy.

"Yes, you are right, what was the conversation about and who is Greyson?" Mr. Poppy asked me because he sucessfully got distracted.

"Do you remember the man who sat there on that seat the day I got my novel published, I mean he was the one who published it, I informed you about that before" I pointed towards the seat where he sat.

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