Chaper 37

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Just for you lovelys KJohnson1234 RradaudEstes

Danny P.O.V

They made me watch porn videos, STRAIGHT porn videos to be exact. As if it was going to change how I felt. Jasper might as well be here too, he's the gay one. I'm just gay for put it like that. He's the only boy I've ever been fond of. I hate Jamie....ever since he budded his happy go lucky ass in, Jasper's been head over heels for him. I mean I know it isn't right for me to have done those things to Jamie and it's not fair he gets beat up for liking someone, but I take what's mine. Jasper. Jamie's a sweet kid....if he wasn't with my brother...than we probably could've been friends....besides him being labeled the school fag. But Im in no place to judge. I refused to eat, it's been two months...I'll be lucky if I passed out already or die or something. I feel like on the only one being punished. Yeah the video looked really bad....but Jasper liked it....he likes me. Didn't he tell them that?

"So Daniel your confused is that right?" A woman dressed in a white robe interrupted my thoughts.


"Then you wouldn't be here" she sat on my bed next to me opening her robe, exposing her naked body. "I'm going to clear it up for you. You can't get these goodies from some little boy you know"

I was apalled. I mean she was very attractive....but I didn't want to have sex with her. Jasper has all the goodies I need. I sighed.

"I don't want your expired goods lady.....and there's nothing wrong with me" I snarled getting up. I was pushed down by two muscular men and they strapped me on the bed.

"You can't do this!!!" I screamed.

"Yes I can. I am your mistress and you will address he me as madam or ma'am." she pulled my pants down.

"NO!!! Y-you can't touch me there!!!!" She jerked me roughly, I wasn't enjoying this. It hurt....really badly.

"I can do what ever I want to you, and back talk will certainly be grounds for punishment." she took out a whip and slashed me right on my thigh. I yelled out in pain. Did my parents really hate me this much?

They showed me pictures of my brother and me....they told me this is all we were meant to be.....brothers if I objected(which I did often) they shocked me with these pads. The next couple of weeks I spent having sex with random women. If I refused I was whipped like a disobedient animal. They said once I learned the pleasures of a women then I would never need those of a man. They told me Jasper will never love me.....that it was all fake, that he really didn't want me. He only did it to be my feelings. If he felt the same he would be here too or at another camp....getting help. Most nights I didn't sleep, I stayed up thinking. Insomia. What would Jasper be doing right now? Does he still think about me? He stopped calling for a while.


"How's it going?" My brother voice echoed through the phone.

"I-I'm fine" I lied.

"Are you sure?"


"Our birthday is next told me you'd be back....well living with mom."


"Daniel, don't lie to me. I know my brother, I can feel something's not right with you. What's going on?" Jasper sounded concerned.

I wanted to cry and just tell him everything. I'm not much on emotions and tears. Even as I was growing up...playing sports, you get your occasional broken bones and limbs. Even then I hardly shed a tear, because I knew physical pain was only would pass quickly. But mentally pained, this is my first time experiencing it...alone.

"I love you Danny"

Jasper was always by my side when I was hurting, no matter what. I cringed at those words hanging up the phone. The director led me back to my room. I curled up. I refuse to cry. I can handle this....with or without him. It's time to grow up Danny boy.

Daniels p.o.v for my team Dasper or Janiel(y'all make up a ship name) . I thought it's only fair to show you what's been going on with Danny versus the usual two characters. Vote, comment, follow me laya_mhe. My tastey tacos😬😘

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